Uganda’s leading private Victoria University has announced the end of the March-July semester with the kicking off of exams scheduled for Monday 12th July 2021.
According to the memo, the University announced that only students who will qualify to sit for all examinations should have fully paid 100% of their tuition and functional fees.
“Reference is made to earlier communication about examinations dated 24th June 2021.
I once again remind you that the examinations shall begin on Monday 12th July 2021 and in order to qualify to sit for all your examinations, students should have fully paid 100% of their tuition and functional fees,” the memo reads in part.

The university has however warned that failure to clear tuition and functional fees fully, they will be advised to apply for the dead semester. “The student will consequently start afresh the same semester and repay the semester’s fees,” reads the memo.
The University further stated it that due to several and frequent requests for extension, management has approved the extension deadline for tuition clearance to 9th July 2021. “No examination permits will be issued during the examination week,”

About Victoria Uniersity
Victoria University (VU) is one of the leading universities in Uganda and stands out as a center for academic excellence. The University offers Masters, Bachelors, Diploma, Certificates, and short course programmes packaged under the university’s four faculties.

The University is centrally located in the heart of Kampala City and on the main public transportation routes coupled with ample parking space.
Victoria University is part of the Ruparelia Group of Companies, which has a strong presence in the education sector in Uganda and has under its portfolio, Kampala Parents School and Delhi Public School International.
For more information, please visit the university website: