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Heartless: Bushenyi Activist Kakonge Of WASCOF Chokes On Debts,Swindles Widow’s Money

Anger has erupted in the residents of greater Bushenyi after Western Ankole Civil Society (WACSOF), chief executive officer Appollo Kakonge got entangled in siphoning people’s money.

Mr Kakonge is accused of  borrowing money from a widow one Faridah for construction of the house which he never returned.

When the matter became serious,it is allegedly said that Appollo started threatening and boasting on how he is highly connected and untouched which prompted a group of elders to intervene and repay the suffering lady.

Kakonge’s actions have left most of the people in the area questioning his integrity to fight injustice in community in accordance to the principles he has been trying to uphold in communities.

Eversince,his civil society group operating in Ankole sub region with headquarters in Bushenyi town was suspended its anti-corruption related activities,Kakonge has accommodated alot of debts which have rendered him marooned.

WACSOF activities were put to halt,Kakonge under disguise,he started blame games that  RDC and other leaders in the area that they were fighting his anti-corruption activities when he was covering his wrong deeds.

During 2021 general elections,it is reported that Kakonge joined Annet Katusiime camp to run against Karoro for woman MP seat,he was promised money to complete his new house which was not fulfilled.Its where that Kakonge’s road to debts that started from.

As pressure mounted on Kakonge to pay people,he claims life and operations have been threatened following the report by his organization- which exposed connivance between local government officials, politicians and central government managers, and contractors in implementing ACDP projects in Bushenyi District.

Below is Faridah’s cry

Bwaana CIC I was part of your senior commanders when we started the Mbuga movement in early 2017 and our purpose,mission was fighting injustices of this nature and much more.

I see no reason as to why Kakonge must use stones and spears running after civil servants who he says are corrupt and swindling public funds when he is here stealing from the people in broad day light.

He nolonger has the moral authority to run after anyone because if he can make ordinary people cry for what they hustled for,where does he get the courage to fight for public funds.This is more less like saying do as l say but not as l do.

Kakonge must learn to respect other people’s hustles. 

Kakonge is just a no body here in Bushenyi.whatever he thinks he is,we have given him some platform and we can as well push him away.He can’t steal from us in broad day light and then expects way

Some of us only sleep one hour every night.we spend days and night hustling to make a difference in our lives of those we take care of,l see no reason why “mr.activist”must wake up and eat like a king on our hustle and then be protected.

Allow me say the public must know and understand the type of person they are dealing with. Me and other people have fallen victims to his game but as we take our lessons in the most hardest way ,let  alert go go Nationwide so that others don’t fall to the same game.

I see no reason as to why people must keep in the town centre, pose,run after others as if he is a special specie when is silently making the ordinary people shading tears.

I’m not scared of his game because I personally can fight to the last bit of my blood.l have been in banks,l have acquired loans,l have struggled as a woman and mother,l see no reason why Kakonge must take away my money and enjoy public respect and protection.Let the world know the type Kakonge is.Just a typical conman covering himself in an activism game

I’m actually making an alarm to the funders of Kakonge’s organization.l know this message will go far to understand the type of person your dealing with.Sit him down and caution can’t preach the opposite.

I’m speaking with pain in my chest is so deap and hurting.u can’t run for the angel you have never seen and kill the people you stay with makes no sense fighting and running battles with corrupt Govt officials when your just behind eating from other people’s hard earned savings with impunity

Kakonge such behaviours don’t make you superior either. Your down fall will come from people’s pleas and tears.You can’t make a woman cry for what she toiled for.Your punishment will come in a simple package

Kakonge you must learn to behave humanly .You must learn to cut your pride and ego. You must learn that when people borrow they pay back. You must learn not to put your activism at the front of everything.Then they tell u pay the poor woman and in your little wisdom.

Kakonge dats not how people survive and if  havey run bankrupt,then kindly declare yourself in the most polite fashion than you  abusing those you are tormenting with all sorts of words and pride.

Some great and concerned citizens in Bushenyi like Philip Mugume Murwani have also spoken on the matter.

I once earlier asked a question who Kakonge is ,many incidents of him attacking government officers putting them in a fix of believing in him or they get attacked was very bad , Bushenyi was a calm District before these personalities let me call them abayaayi because they don’t have where they come from , this is a new way of smart gambling . If someone portrays himself as a concerned citizen registers an NGO to get money from homosexuals in the west …if you need to understand visit the website and all their tweets , such people shouldn’t have space in this Africa. We need a hardworking team with key integrity to take this country foward, kakonge’s character is lacking. I last week asked them even why they solicit money for treatment on what’s app , this should show you who these people are and their intentions. Security should investigate them and understand their main objectives otherwise we may be having a team sponsoring criminals .

The security committee of the district should be on top of this Kakonge team and what their intentions are to the area ,source of funds . What is the purpose of these NGOs if it’s not sponsoring homosexuals and criminals.

Efforts to Speak to Kakonge for a comment were futile as his well known phones were not going through by press time.

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