Forty three newly appointed Grade One Magistrates have been deployed and seven other Judicial Officers transferred, according to changes announced by the Chief Registrar Sarah Langa Siu.
The deployed judicial officers were appointed in October this year following a recruitment process by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) chaired by Justice Benjamin Kabiito. The new appointments bring the total number of Magistrates Grade One to 255 against the approved structure of 514.
The deployments come as part of the efforts by the judiciary to take judicial services closer to the public and operationalization of gazetted Courts which have not been working. Among those deployed is Willy Anono, the first visually impaired magistrate in the Judiciary, who shall offer service through the Chambers of the Chief Registrar.
According to a press release issued today; Monday, the new deployments shall operationalize at least 13 Courts including Buikwe, Kyotera, Rubaare, Kyanika, Bukomasimbi, Kole, Bwizibwera and Atanga.

The others are Rubindi, Kalongo, Nyarushanje, Butenga and Kazo.
Last month judiciary also deployed 48 magistrate Grade Ones and transferred 17 other judicial officers.The Chief Registrar has asked the new Judicial Officers to offer good service to the community.
“Some of you are going to work under Judges, Chief Magistrates, Grade Ones in charge of stations and others will head stations. Wherever you are posted, be available to serve and respect authority.” Reads the statement in part.

1. Abilu Isaac Kalongo/Patongo
2. Mr. Ahumuza Peter Mugisha Masaka Municipal
3. Ahurira Matugga
4. Amweno Hellen Kiryandongo
5. Asingwire Faith Busunju
6. Atono Willy Chief Registrar’s Chambers (sitting at the Registry of Magistrates’ Affairs)
7. Atunga Mario Bududa
8. Basaija Steven Fort Portal High Court (Chambers of Justice Vincent Emmy Mugabo)
9. Butoto Hassan Masaba Amolatar
10. Mr Byekitinisa Franklin Ntoroko
11. Mr. Kakuru Edgar Rubaare
12. Kampire Sylvie Lira
13. Kamuganga Jude Arua City
14. Mr. Kavuma Denis Buhweju
15. Ms. Kayaga Salima Lwengo
16. Mr. Kayuki Edward Kaberamaido
17. Mr. Kyegombe Enock Masaka High Court Chambers of Lady Justice Victoria Katamba)
18. Mr. Maloba Ivan Kumi
19. Mr Muchelule Dismas Kyanika – Kisoro
20. Ms. Mudega Hope Mbale Municipal
21. Mr. Mugweri Ambrose Bukwo
22. Mr. Muyunga Ashiraf Koboko
23. Mr. Nakoko Isaac Amuria
24. Ms Natembo Aisha Bukomansimbi/Butenga
25. Mr Ndhazano Joshua Kazo
26. Mr. Byakutaga Edger Kole
27. Ms Nyevu Aziiza Rubindi
28. Mr Obizu Mallen Sanga
29. Mr. Okello Welborne Nyarushanje
30. Mr. Owachgiu Richard Kaabong
31. Mr. Oyirwoth Jerry Nakapiripirit
32. Mr. Padoko Gerald Moyo
33. Ms. Sabakaki Pauline Kumi
34. Mr Ssenoga Juma Moroto
35. Ms Subira Pheona Kyazanga
36. Mr. Tibenkana Ali Yumbe
37. Mr. Tiyo Jonathan Bwizibwera
38. Mr. Wanda David Grace Tororo Municipal
39. Mr. Wiiwo Fatuma Rashid Kapchorwa
40. Mr. Ategeka Ignatius Kyotera
41. Ms. Martha Taremwa Otuke
42. Mr Irumba Atwooki B Atanga
1. Wemesa Caroline Iganga Court of Appeal (Chambers of Lady Justice Catherine Bamugemereire
2. Mr Longoli Matthew Nakapiripirit Namutumba
3. Ms Nyakato Moreen Kumi to Masaka
4. Mr Asiku Swaleh Moyo Mbirizi
5. Ms Wakooli Grace Masaka to Kiruhura
6. Ms Kyomugisha Evelyn Setrina Kamuli to Buikwe
7. Mr Patrick Akoko Synclaire Otuke Bulambuli