The joint security agencies are conducting investigations to establish the motives of the people who are behind violent attacks of security personnel who are on lawful duty and robbing their guns.
According to Police, six security personnel have been attacked in the last four months where four police officers have been killed and their guns taken while two LDUs were left seriously injured and also their guns were taken.
Fred Enanga the police spokesperson noted that the cases of violent attacks on police officers and stealing their guns have been registered in the areas of Busunju, Wakiso, Soroti and Mbarara and six guns were stolen and only two have so far been recovered .
Enanga noted that investigations are on to establish the motives of the people behind these attacks.

“The public should know that ambush attacks and theft of guns from security personnel is an extreme form of violence, and can be life threatening. Although, the motives are not yet clear, but the fact that guns are robbed, we believe the theft and acquisition of guns as a major factor”. Said Enanga.
He added that “Any attack on security personnel, is an attack on the community and that is why we call upon the community in Busunju and Soroti, to cooperate with us and avail information on threats to officer safety and that which can lead to the recovery of these guns”.
The top leadership has also reviewed the incidents of attacks on security personnel and come up with additional measures on how to reduce these violent attacks on officers.