East African Business Mogul and Ugandan Billionaire Dr. Sudhir Ruparelia has for yet another turn been ranked the wealthiest Ugandan with an estimated net worth value of over $1 billion. According to the research Top 10 Richest Men In Uganda 2021, Tycoon Sudhir maintains his lead, slightly followed by Karim Hijri as the 2nd richest Ugandan at $800 million net worth value.
Some of these wealthy personalities from Uganda have even made it to Forbes’s list of wealthiest persons in the world, which proves that Uganda has improved in its economy, to the extent of competing and surpassing other African countries.
It has become a known fact that Uganda is one of, if not the richest East African country in African as a result of the tremendous success it has recorded over the years, in its economy.
With the influx of some of the top richest personalities that emanate from Uganda, this article has set out to provide you with the list of the top ten richest men in Uganda, according to their net worth.

Top 10 Richest Men In Uganda 2021
Rank | Richest Men In Uganda 2021 | Estimated Net Worth |
#1 | Sudhir Ruparelia | $1.2 Billion |
#2 | Karim Hijri | $800 Million |
#3 | Alykhan Kharmali | $700 Million |
#4 | Mohammed Hamid | $400 Million |
#5 | Charles Mbire | $400 million |
#6 | Sikander Lalani | $300 Million |
#7 | Aaron M. Mukooza | $200 Million |
#8 | Gordon Wavamunno | $100 Million |
#9 | Patrick Bitature | $100 million |
#10 | Mukesh Shukla | $100 Million |
Sudhir Ruparelia net worth $1.2b

According to the research, the chairman of Ruparelia Group of Companies Sudhir Ruparelia is also known as the Fortunate tycoon occupies the number one slot in Uganda. “He is known as a fortunate man because he started business with a meager sum of about $25,000”.
Sudhir’s area of investment are real estate, education, broadcasting, banking, Insurance and leisure and hospitality among others.
Karim Hijri net worth $800m
The chairman of the Dembe Group of accompanies is ranked the 2nd richest Ugandan with a net worth of $800 million. His area of investment are hotel and leisure, hotels under the Imperial group of Hotels and Charm Towers.

Alykan Khamali net worth $700m (Mukwano)
The Chief Executive Officer of the Mukwano Group of Companies is ranked the 3rd richest Uganda. The research says his major investments are in the area of manufacturing and banking. He is a non executive director of the Exim Bank where the Mukwano family maintains 36.5 per cent shareholding. He is said to have inherited business and riches from his father.
Mohammed Hamid (Tie) net worth $400m
The chairman and majority shareholder in Aya Group of companies, he is ranked 4th richest Ugandan who has made a fortune from sectors like transport, real estate, manufacturing and host of others. The researchers say ever since he bought a milling machine from Sudhir Ruparelia’s primer mills he has never looked back.
Charles Mbire (Tie) net worth $400m
According to the research, it ranks Charles Mbire as worth $400 million and it says he is the only native Uganda worth $400 million.
The research says Mbire investment interests are in communications, pharmaceuticals, real estate, energy production, Agrobusiness and finance.
Sikander Lalani net worth $300m
He is ranked the 6th richest Ugandan and the research say he is worth $300 million. Lalani’s area of investment are in the area of steel manufacturing under the Roofing Group in Uganda. They also say that before establishing in Uganda, Lalani ran a tyre business in Kigali.

Aaron M Mukooza net worth $200m
The researchers say Aaron Mukooza is a media guru who has interests in the media and banking sectors. According to the revelations by the researchers, he is ranked the 7th richest Ugandan. Mukooza has investments worth $200 millions.
Gordon Wavamuno (Tie) net worth $100m
The research places Gordon Wavamuno also at the 8th position and says that like other Ugandans, Wavamuno has also investment worth $100 million and his investments are in the area of media under his Wave FM, Wavah water GM Tampec Limited among others.
Mukesh Shukla (Tie) net worth $100m
Mukesh Shukla comes in at position number 8 with a net worth of $100 million. The research further says under his Shumuk Group, he has invested in a milk plant, money lending and foreign exchange bureau among others.

Patrick Bitature (Tie) net worth $100 million
The research say Bitature got his money from Simba Telecom that dals in airtime and other communications outfits. Bitature’s others dealings are in energy production, media, mining, real estate and leisure and tourism. The research claims from the above investment, Bitature is worth $100 million. He occupies the 8th position among the top ten richest Ugandans.