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Uganda Is Nolonger Pearl of Africa But Pearl of Torture

2 mins read

By the end of 2021,Ugandan human rights activists welcomed President Yoweri Museveni’s condemnation of torture allegedly committed by police and other security forces.

President Museveni promised Ugandans in his words by prosecuting security forces accused of abuse.

He warned security forces against barking at or beating suspects, detaining suspects for long periods in jail and deporting foreigners without trial, saying it disadvantages the country.

He blamed the torture on acts by individual officers and the failure of senior commanders to instruct junior officers on what should and shouldn’t be done.

President Museveni address left so many Ugandans hopeful that security forces would change their acts of torture.

Up to now some Ugandans continue to complain of reign of torture reign.

Bruce Kairagwire Writes…

Uganda the once pearl of Africa is now the pearl of torture. I don’t think there is a country which tortures unarmed civilians like Uganda in the recent past. Sadly, on many occasions the Government of Uganda has come out to acknowledge that security organs that are the ones torturing citizens.

President Museveni  keeps condemning toture but no action has been taken. Those that torture citizens have more than often been rewarded with promotions and accolades.A case in point is Lt Gen Elweru commanded the torture ands of civillians in Kasese in 2017 but no punishment was ever given to him, he was instead hailed and pramoted by the president.

The laws of the land are clear on torture and inhuman treatment but they have not been respected. Article 24 of the constitution of the Republic of Uganda and prevention of torture Act
2012 states that no person shall be subjected to any form of torture, cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.

This is not respected as those involved in the torture are never brought to book, Itis no wonder that most of the torture victims choose to keep quiet and
die in silence since they expect no justice at all.
The govenment has continued to lose milions of money when a few of those tortured choose to stand up and run to courts of law.

Government loses money at the expense of tax payers in both
litigation and compestions. Three years ago,18 uspects in the murder of former police spokesperson Felix kaweesi were awarded 1.7 bilions in compensations by Justice Margaret Oguli Oumo.

Government was in August 2021 also ordered to pay Hon. Zaake 75m in
compensation for torturing him during quarantine as he distributed food aid to his constituents.
The suspects while in detention were tortured as a means of extractng evidence from them.
This was in complete disregard of the presidents letter dated 15 may 2017 addressed to all
intelligence chlefs where he warmed against torturing suspects in order to extract confessions.

It is both barbaric and backward to torture suspects bearing in mind that in Wganda’s justice
system, one is innocent till proved guilty.
The most recent torture victims include amang others Kakwenza Rukirabashaija who was held incommunicado for weeks and grimly tortured by SfC a force that is charged with protection of the President.

His alleged crime was offensive communication to the person of the first son.
One wonders why if there is evidence of such allegation why one is not humanely summoned or arrested and produced in courts of law for trial? Looking at Kakwenza and his tortured body.
one wonders if those torturers have blood running through their veins or if they are even human.
An absurdity is, not even courts of law are able to stand up and dispense justice since they are state controlled. As such most people have chosen to run to other countries for treatment and protection lest they risk losing their lives.

Whereas, most Ugandans have chosen to die in silence for fear of being arrested and tortured by men in uniform, something has to be done, someone has to speak up for the good of the

Dear countrymen, Uganda is for us all and we must all stand up and do something.
Applauds the opposition especially NUP and FDC for they have always stood up and spoken up against he evils being vented on the citizens. The security agencies should be kept in check lest.
we continue losing lives at the hands of security agencies which agencies are mandated by the constitution to protect us.

Bruce Kairagwire

A human rights defender