Eight officers and militants of UPDF Mountain Division have today been documented and sensitised ahead of their retirement in July this year.
The exercise was at the Division Headquarters in Muhooti Fort Portal. Mountain Division is executing Operation Shujaa in DRC and its area of responsibility includes the entire Rwenzori Sub region.
The most Senior impending Retiree Col Robert Kakande, the Mountain Division Operations Officer thanked God for having kept him alive till now that he is set to retire honourably.
He cautioned those in service to first and fore most Fear God because he knows everyones fate, always seek advice from their superiors and encouraged team work and to love their country because thats what pushes one to serve honourably.

The Director Records Brig Gen Ceasor Bahwezi in a sensitisation presentation to the impending retirees encouraged them to update the Personal and Family information before retirement in order to ease access to their benefits on retirement day and for their survivors benefits in case of death.
He ellaborated on the importance of records department in this exercise which is to check out for mismatch of personal particulars like names, service numbers, home address, date of entry in service and family details. “You are not special from the fallen soldiers but its all by the Grace of God that you have have gotten to this documention day, for you as a pending retiree maintain the faith even after service” he advised them.
The Division Commander was represented by the Division Operations and Training Officer Col Rogers Okiror who delivered a good will message of appreciation to the impending retirees for the sacrifice to the nation and encouraged them to maintain discipline and a spirit of love for service to the country, even in retirement if or when called upon. The exercise will next be conducted at the Chieftaincy of Mubende Rehabilitation Centre where 38 personnel are expected to retire in July.
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