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COVID-19 Vaccination of Minors Without Parental Consent Not Right – Kabuleta Exposes Health Ministry

The National Economic Empowerment Dialogue (NEED) leader Joseph Kizza Kabuleta has warned Ugandans about Ministry of Health’s plot to vaccinate all school going children without their consent.

The journalist turned politician made remarks while addressing the media at the political movement’s headquarters in Kampala on Tuesday, June 07, 2022 where he said they got information from good hearted people at the Ministry of Health that the institution is planning to ‘raid’ schools and vaccinate all learner around the country without their parents’ consent starting from 15th to 20th June, 2022.

“Covid-19 vaccine has long term dangers and health complications on children. The Health Ministry has already distributed the vaccines across the country. Dangers of vaccines to adults are very minimal compared to the dangers on children,” the former presidential candidate noted.

“We have learnt that most Covid-19 vaccines got expired in April this year and the new consignment which government got recently is not enough to inoculate all learners across the country. We think they are going to use the expired vaccines… Once the Covid-19 vaccine bottle is opened, the shot gets spoilt within one hour if not utilized.”

Joseph Kabuleta while addressing the media recently

The former presidential candidate added that a few malevolent officials at the Health Ministry are pushing the agenda for their selfish interests.

“There are clowns at the Ministry of Health who want to become mass murderers but we shall not keep quiet on this. They know the risks and their children are not going to be vaccinated. I know their identities and I will expose them, (they are like five in number) incase they insist on carrying out the exercise. If children die, parents should know whom to attack or hold accountable,”he asserted.

“They want to vaccinate children because they want to get money from a person (International businessman Bill Gates) who wants to reduce Africa’s population.”

On the other hand, Mr Kabuleta noted that despite the Health Ministry’s efforts to forcefully vaccinate learners, the Minister of Education also First Lady of Uganda is still insisting that parents should first consent before their children undergo such exercise.

“We are not saying that children should not be vaccinated but we ask the Ministry to allow parents to give in their consent. Science tells us that Covid-19 pose no risk to children. Are you ready to pose a danger to them through vaccines? As Ugandans we should be responsible and I’m concerned about our children who are at risk of heart complications and infertility issues that may arise from vaccinations. Me I will not allow my children to be vaccinated. In fact, they will not go to school from 15th to 20th June.”

The pastor cum politician further advised parents to warn headteachers against allowing Health Ministry officials to vaccinating their children without their consent.

Mr. Kabuleta while addressing the press

“Those officials are a bit scared of schools in Kampala so they took most vaccines to uncountry schools. Even if children don’t die, there’s an issue of infertility among others.

“When it comes to vaccination, let parents make the decision but not government. I have no problem with the exercise if parents consent but me I will not allow my child to be vaccinated since there are minimal risks of Covid-19 on children.”

With footage evidence, Mr Kabuleta cited world top medics like Dr Ben Carson who are also against the vaccination of children.

“Your child has more chances of being struck by lightning than dying of Covid-19.”

Mr Kabuleta’s remarks come at the backdrop of MPs recent suggestion to allow vaccination of children in schools, where parental consent is unavailable.

In a discussion with private school proprietors on Tuesday, 15 March 2022, MPs on the Health Committee noted that it is inconsiderate to let some students who are not vaccinated share classrooms with those who are vaccinated.

Rukungiri Municipality Member of Parliament, Dr Elisa Rutahigwa said that some stakeholders presenting views on the Public Health (Amendment) Bill, 2021, have related it to Covid-19 management, yet it is an all-encompassing law.

Rutahigwa said disease outbreaks are often unexpected and can easily attack schools where timely treatment would be key in protecting students from the disease.

“If you left it to parents to take children for immunization or not and you have an infection in your school and have children who are not immunized, would you be comfortable to have them mix with the rest? Don’t you think it is a risk?” asked Rutahigwa.

MP Ruth Lematia (NRM, Maracha East County) said Uganda has been doing well as far as vaccination is concerned and adequate information has been given out on the different exercises over the years.
“In the 1980s, children would sing on radio and television to inform parents about the need to be vaccinated. Since we started vaccination, we have been doing well in controlling children mortality,” said Lematia.

However, a number of experts have come out to oppose the move.

Eric Senyonjo, the proprietor of St Anne’s Preparatory School in Kabowa said mandatory vaccination should not be permitted.

He suggested that it should be based on informed voluntary consent, especially for new vaccinations, of which some are still in trial phase.

“Parents of our children know their medical history so they need to be consulted and educated prior to these vaccinations. Therefore, schools should not be held responsible for the decisions of others,” said Senyonjo.

Clause 38 of the Bill seeks to amend section 38 of the principal act by mandating a parent or guardian of every child resident in Uganda to cause the child to be vaccinated by a public vaccinator, against the diseases, that may be declared by the minister, within 12 months from birth.

Senyonjo also said that the Bill should recognise individuals or children who have recovered from a disease and acquired natural immunity, as vaccinated and given a certificate.

Carol Ssekandi from of St Anne’s Preparatory School raised concerns about vaccine injury to children in schools, saying the Bill should consider compensation for such incidences.

She cited the case of an MMR vaccine given to children of a one Mulindwa at Green Hill, where the children had already been vaccinated but they received the vaccine a second time without his consent as a parent.

“As parents, we need to be brought on board before anything happens to our children. We should be sensitised on the merits and demerits of these vaccines so that we can protect the generations to come,” said Ssekandi.


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