By: Andama Richard
Former RDC Yumbe, 2019 – 2021
It is exactly 37 months, as Ugandans are already preparing for another cycle / set of general elections come 2026.
Everywhere, you see President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni appearing, endorsements are seen as a sign of political roadmap for 2026.

The Office of the National Chairman (ONC) at Kyambogo seem not sleeping, ‘Jajja Tova Ku Main‘ is the sacrilegious slogan to yet extent Gen. Museveni’s term of office among key other political offices both parliamentary and local governments to 2031.

Equally, Members of Parliament outgoing and in-coming are vividly in the rough moods either to regain or loose grip! Power corrupts is the usual narrative!
The fact that these set of elections are to champion service delivery and implementation of the five year manifesto of the current mandate, 2021_2026, seem acute! the ‘elitism’ is already in the change of the game of the rules..! the cloud seem getting down day by day!
What happens in Uganda is now actually a deflection of our partitioned society and the tragedy of elitism visa vie, Youth ignorance syndrome / a “tragedy of Youth survival”.

We are already partitioned along flimsily political lines, which clandestinely show support without knowing their inner_ agenda and scope of operation to have benefited us in the most transparent manner, we are not even aware what is impeded within these political spaces, we have very serious contradictions which still make us “mistrust” the way certain things are done in the ‘arena’ hence, a tool for continued manipulation, dishonesty, sectarianism, corruption and survival for the fittest, among tribalism that many Ugandans talk about almost on daily basis, that is played under cover in pretext to justify seemingly the ‘truths’.
Therefore, with mistrust comes the sense of hierarchy of ‘abuse of power‘ and who is closer to who! “Impunity becomes a justification inter_ alia hierarchical injustices that we witness in our institutions almost on daily basis”.
This similarly, makes inter_ system contradictions perpetuated deliberately to bless ‘impunity’ that becomes normal baptism to thrive, continuously, which gives insights to win here and loose there…
African democracy, Democratic core values, principles, have become a fallacy! A design to legitimize wrongs to appear to bless what seems right.
These contradictions however, become eminent, purposely to win the hearts of the majority to grace and nourish what is seen to be legitimate, while undermining rule of law, good governance, hence, our desire is to become a protagonist of a dreamer, that we are yet to talk about.
The systems manipulation of “touch me tomorrow” is what we are yet to witness in a couple of months as our political destiny is engraved! It is a dream that “all elites” seem to be debating while inverting the “youth & rural women, that are slowly understanding the true essence of “political manoeuvres”! While playing cat and mouse epic….
Hardly, did we know that our fore fathers dreamt about such political contradictions to make life better for others and worse for under privileged, and easy for the “elite” class.. hard for the peasantry, the leper remains the sleeping class…!
So, the more trust you gain along the perceived lines of hierarchy, the better your choices to survive the murky political terrain, the better the contradictions are to your survival, where the brown envelop politics becomes the proponent of the 21st Century for you..!
Consequently, ‘the elitism’ politics is absent in Uganda where no structural pillars exist to have guaranteed fairness. Where employment and recruitment of family folks, friends, relatives, in laws, becomes a designed narrative to thrive in order to justify patriotism and good cadetship in a manipulative classical “partitioned society”.
As we ascend towards another set of elections, the “Youth ignorance syndrome” is set to battle with the “elite” donkey or boxer. it’s on this basis that an institutional confidence too has become a “black monkey” a den of hooliganism, blended with rhetorics of office political blackmails as a tool to eliminate not political opponents but fellow patriots and carders in order to realign and reposition oneself thru politics of ‘squared contradictions‘!
What we saw happened at Makerere University a few days ago is the exact level of manipulations and contradictions that has sent minimum standards for the greatest tower of our times, how far our society has been partitioned and degenerated by the so called the “elitism” that blend on “impunity” as their tool of survival for the fittest and eating with a sharp “foke”, in light of democracy, good governance and rule of law!
This is not now only in Makerere but it has given us a clear picture of how good governance has been abused, compromised, almost in all our institutions that we actually pride about…!
Hence, what African leaders cherish is to try to exonerate themselves from murky narratives of ugly political spheres by mastering the poverty index of the population by creating political zeal for continues contradictions and manipulations to measure to the rhetorics of standards of fair political games of bribery, offer of forbidden love, giving out salt, soap, brown envelops, favouritism, etc, etc…
In order to undermine good governance, the politics of “stage populism” approach, dominantly practiced in a specific center to exacerbate efficacy to determine a grip onto what is seemingly a power validity.
Therefore, the hooliganism dominate the ground early enough, that center becomes their eden of space and legitimate ground for eminent battle field.
Hence, the elitism and youth ignorance syndrome of manipulations of kitu kidogo has put them in precarious state of vulnerability, exposing their parasitic predator ship for continued manipulation in order to complete their cycle of the greed_political strategists in preventively leading promotion of youth laziness and structured unemployment hence, abusing the elite youth confidence to be assertive!
The Youth MUST therefore rise up to resist and say Enough is Enough! Their Future is not for sale come 2026. No Place For Kitu Kidogo..!
Nevertheless, this unfortunately will find themselves in sidelines of the ” elitism ” in partitioned space and shall accept to be robbed for a penny! This will legitimize their victory and only appear in their constituencies after five years or in the middle of another election cycle…. Chewing the curd!
Indeed a fighter who comes out of a battle field alive will always prepare to fight better another day!
Therefore, the Youth Ignorance Syndrome must be history for the past. Start a fresh journey to move with positive mindset to develop your country with honesty full of resilience, passion and hope for a transformed society amidst all forms of challenges in the next 37 months…
Make a resolution for ” No Youth Ignorance Movement ( NO_YIM) start a business and be self reliant…! ( Your Future is not for sale)
A prospective candidate as area Member of Parliament ( MP ) AYIVU EAST . (ARUA CITY)
Blessed & a Prosperous New Year 2023