It has come to public that for the longest time, First lady mama Janet Museveni has been wondering who could have been behind and the funder of the fights of team thorough YKM for a long time since 2019.
It has come to public that Hon Kyatuheire Jacklin the deputy national treasurer of National resistance movement with the assistance of Hon Dr Chris Baryomunsi minister of ICT and national guidance have for long been behind all these funny actions.
It was noted when when Hon Kyatuheire Jacklin the deputy treasurer of NRM Kyadondo Rd plot 14 influenced Rt Hon Todwong Richard to meet a small group of mobilizers purported to be Team thorough YKM against his wish and while in that meeting, the same group named the team thorough YKM cadres all sorts of bad names imagine a group of trained and commissioned cadres by HE Gen Y Kaguta Museven and Mama Janet from National leadership Institute Kyankwanzi (NALI) in 2016 and 2017 respectively. These cadres are now led by Mr Mugisha John Musheijomwe as their national coordinator/Chairperson
The question now remains,
What’s are the interests and objectives of Hon Kyatuheire Jacklin the NRM deputy national treasurer and Hon Dr Chris Baryomunsi minister of ICT and national guidance in funding and influencing fights in First lady Mama Janet Museveni ‘s team thorough YKM??

Efforts to talk to accused persons to respond to the allegations by press time were futile as their known contacts were not going through.(H.Aine)