The Budaka Specialized Trauma and General Hospital is going to be constructed specifically to improve on medical services in Bukedi region and the nearby Districts.
While addressing the media after the inspection of land with a delegate from AKSA GROUP Canada, Dr Hon. Mutono Patrick revealed that this medical facility is going to be a great achievement for people from Eastern Uganda, Bukedi region in particular.
“Easter Uganda Roads have many cases of Road accidents; hence this facility is going to be here to at list save a life in time. We have only been having Mbale referral hospital reacting to accident cases but now with this new project, Mbale is going to be de-congested.
Dr Hon.Mutono

He further said that the facility will not only help the Budaka people but it is for the general public.
“We have this opportunity to uplift this facility, We have many trauma cases, this project is also going to provide job opportunity to the community most especially during the construction period.Arthur Waako Mboizi, Budaka District Member of parliament thanked AKSA GROUP for accepting to set up such a medical facility on Tirinyi High way which is a hot spot of road accident.
“Budaka is on the level of health center 4 and with this new project, this will be elevated to a referral hospital which is going to save lives of Ugandans. This is a specialized project specifically to handle Trauma, actually in East Africa, we only have one of this kind located in Kenya Nairob, so having this specialized facility is a great achievement to east Africa and Uganda specifically”- Mboizi

Budaka Specialized Trauma and General Hospital Uganda is going to be located in the city center of Budaka DistrictThe UnN SDB3, emphasizes halving the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents by 2030EAC 2050 vision, which focuses human capital development towards emphasizing a healthy human resource as essential to facilitate development in the region.Uganda’s Vision 2040. Which emphasizes developing the capacity to treat specialized medical conditions.National Development plan iii: Human capital Development.Uganda National Health policy (NHP) III (2021) : Address social determinant factors relating to poor access to specialized healthcare service for trauma and injury management.. and strengthen capacity for trauma management in Urban and rule areas.Ministry of health strategic plan 2020-2025: To Improve functionality and adequacy of health infrastructure and logistics.To have a national center of excellence in trauma management and general health services in Uganda located at Budaka.Estimated project cost: USD 251.47 Million.The current established capacity of health facilities in Uganda cannot support the 45 million population with specialized health services in trauma, neuma, neurosurgery, pediatric, heart- related sickness, gynecology, and other life-threatening diseases like cancer.Specialized trauma management health services are largely provided by Mulago National Referral Hospital to the people of Uganda.Reduce on over crowding and increased burden from Mulago National treatment from Mulago National referral hospitals (NRH), China Uganda friendship Hospital, Naguru, and other private hospitals in Kampala city.Proposed Budaka hospital will complement specialized health treatment from Mulago National referral Hospital to the people of Uganda.Reduce on overcrowding and increased burden from Mulago National Referral Hospital.Reduce costs for patients coming from other regions to seek specialized trauma treatment service in Mulago NHR and other Kampala City-established trauma centers.Reduce the cost of treatment incurred by the people seeking other specialized health treatment only in Kampala and beyond like Nairobi Kenya.The hospital will be national hospital and to serve estimated 45 million people in Trauma and general healthcare services.United Nations Report 2019, trauma is on the increase causing death globally, especially in developing countries. Approximately 1.3 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes LONE. Therefore, UN General Assembly has set an ambitious target of halving the global number of death and injuries from road traffic crashes by 2030 (A/RES/74/299).