The people of Uganda have been named as the biggest pork consumers in Africa and second globally.
According to the Daily Monitor Uganda’s big appetite for pork was disclosed by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).
On average one Ugandan eats 3.5 Kg of Pork annually, the East African nation is the biggest pork consumer in Africa and comes in second globally after China.
1.1 million households in Uganda rear pigs while 3.5 million small-scale farmers depend on pig rearing for their income and millions of others are employed in the value chain.
Although the demand and supply of pigs are huge and growing the pigs in Uganda have poor weight gain and growth due to potential feed according to the research.

ILRI is advocating that farmers in the country start feeding the pigs, with potato vines to overcome the poor quality of the pigs and the high cost of feeds, which in turn will translate to cheaper pork since a kilo currently costs almost five dollars (18,000 Ugandan shillings).