How KCCA Health Director’s Sluggishness Led To The Kiteezi Landfill Tragedy


With the ongoing rescue mission at Kiteezi landfill where several lives have been lost in the strategy, a lot of accusations and counter-accusations have been raised on who didn’t play his role to satisfaction.

The latest dossier indicates that the head of the Directorate for Public Health and Environment at KCCA Dr. Daniel Okello acted slowly after having received the report months ago from KCCA officials regarding the Kiteezi landfill.

In the notice, Dr Daniel Okello was asked to provide a proposal budget, but he never responded until now.

Surprisingly, the same landfill has been consuming over 4b each financial year.
When asked to highlight these issues, we have been told that these issues are not one, two….but gross issues including; the mismanaged Kiteezi landfill, and according to this Dr. Okello is said to have until now failed to put in place a weighbridge, garbage compacting is poorly done, has no personnel as in terms of service providers, nonoperational laboratory, no sewage treatment yet every year Sh3bn is budgeted for maintenance of this landfill.

Additionally, it’s at a risk of getting slides and residents are currently threatening to sue the authority.

The source further said that recommendations have also been hinged on the 13 acres of another garbage dumping site at Dundu in Mukono District which has remained redundant for over 6 years and is being invaded by encroachers.

Also, issues of garbage aside, it’s alleged that his directorate frustrates casual workers. As the head, Okello is faulted for not approving requests for payments in time which has painted a bad image to the Authority.

It also said that the same person is not requesting for recruitment of staff under Public Health. Over 80% of staff in his directorate are temporary or casual which has frustrated government programs like the recent Health campaigns.

More so, it is reported that Dr. Okello has no delegation of authority, rendering the office nonoperational when he travels.
These among others have reportedly been put on the table by the Authority’s technical wing to reconsider before his re-appointment.

It is reported that recently Dr. Okello’s tenure expired and was appointed in 2018 and his contract is renewed every 3 years.

He was appointed as the acting director together with Ms. Grace Akullo the current director of human resources.
These were recruited during the time Betty Amongi, the current Minister of Gender Labour and Social Development was still the Minister for Kampala.
He replaced Samuel Serunkuuma and his appointment was seen as politically motivated to accommodate Ex-president Tito Okello’s family.

His directorate is pivotal in the daily running of the authority as it is mandated to facilitate and provide support in ensuring the health and productivity of citizens for a clean, habitable, and sustainable community of the city. This Directorate guides the Authority on the efficient management of public health and the environment.