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Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA): The Manifestation of Divine Attributes and Light in Society

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By: Dr. Faezeh Azimzadeh Ardabili

The Ahl al-Bayt (AS), including Hazrat Zahra, are enlightened personalities and among the first creations of God. As Imam Reza (AS) stated, “The first thing that God Almighty created was our souls.” This soul is the one God Almighty refers to in the Holy Qur’an: “And I breathed into him from My spirit.” This spirit is that of Muhammad (PBUH) and his household, breathed into humanity.

Hazrat Fatima (SA) holds such a high position before God that she can be considered the center of creation. When God sends blessings to Ahl al-Bayt (AS), or when Archangel Gabriel asks about the “Ashab al-Kisa” (Companions of the Cloak), Hazrat Zahra (SA) becomes the pivotal figure. God responds to Gabriel, “Fatimah (SA) and her father, her husband, and her children (PBUT).” Indeed, faith itself depends on believing in Hazrat Zahra (SA).

The Prophet described Hazrat Zahra’s (SA) lofty position by saying, “As for my daughter Fatimah, she is ‘Sayyidat Nisa’ al-‘Alamin’ (master of all women in this world and the hereafter, from the first to the last).” The respect and honor shown by the Prophet (PBUH) to his beloved daughter were unmatched; whenever Hazrat Zahra (SA) visited, he would rise to honor her, greet her warmly, hold her hand, and kiss it—a unique gesture.

The great status of this noble lady is reflected in her epithet, “Muhadditha” (one spoken to by angels), for two reasons. First, while Hazrat Khadijah (SA) was pregnant with Fatima Zahra (SA), Fatima would speak to her mother from the womb, a source of peace when other women of Mecca left Hazrat Khadijah alone. Second, Hazrat Zahra (SA) was of such noble position that Archangel Gabriel would visit and speak with her, giving her the special meaning of “Muhadditha.” As Imam Ja’far Sadiq (AS) said, “Fatima, the daughter of the Messenger of God, was Muhadditha but not a prophet. She was called Muhadditha because angels would descend upon her, just as they did with Maryam, the daughter of Imran.”

In Ziyarat texts for Hazrat Zahra, we recite, “Greetings and peace be upon you, the very knowledgeable one to whom the angels spoke.” This indicates that Hazrat Zahra was always addressed by angels. By following in her footsteps, the way to the world of angels can open to our hearts, enabling us to recognize Satan’s deceptions and understand how to respond to them.

Fatima Zahra is a mother to all humanity, even closer than natural mothers. In the Ziyarat of the infallible, we address Fatima’s children, sacrificing our parents for them as they are closer to us than our parents. One of God’s greatest blessings for humanity is the existence of Fatima Zahra (SA), whom God Almighty has made our spiritual mother. This blessing calls for gratitude and awareness, even though our limited knowledge cannot fully comprehend her.

As a role model, Hazrat Zahra guides us in all aspects of life, including prayer, marriage, child-rearing, and social and political engagement. Following her path brings us closer to her, and through this journey, we understand that every grace we receive stems from the Ahl al-Bayt (AS).

Tasnim is a spring in heaven, gifted by God to Fatima Zahra (SA), flowing from beneath the pillar of her tent. According to various hadiths, only those who benefit from the Prophet’s and Ahl al-Bayt’s wisdom in this life will partake in this spring in the hereafter. As Tabarsi writes, the term “kawthar” (abundance) encapsulates these blessings. Surah Al-Kawthar’s revelation and the progeny of the Prophet (PBUH) flowing from Fatima Zahra (SA) affirm that she and her descendants are true examples of this abundant blessing.

The writer is Dr. Faezeh Azimzadeh Ardabili, a Faculty Member of Imam Khomeini International University