Nobody Can Cause Chaos,Wars in Uganda when We Are Still In Charge – Oulanyah


Oulanyah Speaking

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Oulanyah, has said intrigue and stoking of conflict has to be dispensed with so that Uganda’s journey to development can be unhindered.

Oulanyah said in order to achieve the desired development, it is crucial to create friendships, build bridges and work together in sincerity and harmony. Wars and chaos, he added, will not be entertained.

“…let us stop plotting sabotage, let us stop plotting chaos [instead]let us preach peace, let us preach unity and development; let us work together for the prosperity of Uganda,” said Oulanyah, who presided at a fundraising function for Busingye Catholic Sub Parish in Kakumiro District on Sunday, 23 June 2019.

He added: “Stick with those leaders who believe this country can see better days; no more wars in this country, no more chaos in this country, let us all work hard to build this country.”

Oulanyah hailed the district Woman MP, Robinah Nabbanja (NRM), as a hardworking and development-oriented leader.

He chronicled his journey with Ms Nabbanja, which he said dates back to 2011 when the Woman MP, now a Parliamentary Commissioner, proposed his name for nomination as Deputy Speaker without being previously known to each other.

“I am Deputy Speaker today because Hon. Nabbanja nominated me at the right time [in 2011],” he said.

MP Nabbanja thanked Oulanyah for supporting the creation of Kakumiro District, which was grafted off Kagadi District in 2016.

“There was no road in Kakumiro because there was no money as the little resources we had was shared with the bigger Kagadi District and therefore, was not enough,” said Nabbanja.

Oulanyah contributed Shs5 million to support the construction works.

The function attracted MPs Onesimus Twinamasiko (NRM, Bugangaizi East), Silas Aogon (IND, Kumi Municipality), Lydia Mirembe (IND, Butambala) and Fred Bwino Kyakulaga (NRM, Kigulu North) who contributed Shs1m each.

Father Robert Mugisa, who led a mass preceding the fundraising, asked the faithful to devote their time to the service of the Church, which he said will translate into their personal prosperity