A church pulpit yesterday turned into a murder scene aftera pastor in Mombasa intentionally stabbed his wife to death before he took off his dear life.
Pastor Elisha Misiko of Ground For Jesus Church in Mobasa, Kenya unleashed a knife at the pulpit where he was sitting together with his wife and stabbed her on the back and head killing her instantly.
it is suspected that Elisha Misiko killed his wife over alleged differences regarding the ownership of the church.
The 40-year-old Mughoi was conducting the Sunday sermon at the 3G (Ground for God’s Gospel) church in Kiembeni, Kisauni sub-county, when her husband attacked her.

According to the church members, While the congregation screamed and rushed to the Woman’s rescue, the pastor retrieved a second knife from the envelope and stabbed himself in the stomach three times before slitting his throat.
Kisauni Police Commander Julius Kiragu confirmed the incident saying investigations into the incident that occurred at 10am are underway. According to the police boss, after the incident, the pastor was found with a 17-page suicide note detailing marital disputes with his wife.
According to the suicide note titled “Betrayal and its consequences”, Misiko accused his wife of colluding with other worshipers to snatch the church, which they started together in 2018, from him.
“Nilinunua plot kwa pesa yangu nilizotolea jasho yangu. Nilipeana plot kwa Mungu ili mimi na Anna tukue wachungaji, tumtumikie. Inakuwaje wananizuia nisishiriki wala kuhudumu? (I bought a plot with my hard-earned money and we decided to build a church so that Anna and I can serve God. But why have they locked me out of from worshiping and serving in the church?” read the note.
In the note the pastor accused his wife of shifting to Voi with their children and cohabiting with another man, a church member.
“Nilinunua vyombo vya kanisa na pesa za loan. Inakuwaje nanyimwa kugusa vyombo vyangu? Nasomesha watoto wangu na pesa zangu huku nikinyimwa kuwaona. Ninasingiziwa nilifanya mapenzi na dadake mke wangu, hayo yote yakiwa ni uwongo. (I bought church equipment using a loan but I am not allowed to use them. I pay my children’s school fees but I have been barred from seeing them. I was accused of having an affair with my sister-in-law which is a lie),” he added in the note.

Janet Tole, a worshiper, revealed that the apostle was about 20 minutes into her sermon when her estranged husband walked into the church and sat.
Minutes later, Misiko walked to the pulpit as if he wanted to speak to his wife of 26 years with whom he has not been in good terms in recent months.
According to witnesses, Misiko was holding an A4 envelope, in which two kitchen knives and a handwritten suicide note, were hidden.
The pastor’s wife died hours after being admitted at the Coast General Hospital where she had been rushed by church members. Their bodies are lying at the Coast Provincial General Hospital.