Rwanda Authorities Shot Dead One Ugandan, 2 Rwandese


A Ugandan national, resident of Kabingo Village Chahafi parish Murora Sub-county in Kisoro District was on Saturday night shot and killed at Kumugu Trading Centre, Musanze District in Rwanda, about three kilometres away from the Ugandan border.

Mr Hadard Nkunzimana, the sub-county chairperson, identified the deceased as Teojen Ndagijimana, 26, who was shot together his Rwandan cousins.

“Two Rwandans, Erike Biizimana and Emmanuel Mbabazi on Saturday crossed into Uganda to visit their relatives in Kabingo village through the ungazzeted border entry of Kabingo Trading Centre and on return, their cousin Ndagijimana opted to escort them. After crossing into Rwanda for about 3km at Kumugu Trading Centre in Musanze District of Rwanda, they were shot dead by Rwandan security officials that suspected them to have been smugglers. The incident happened at about 9pm,” Mr Nkunzimana said.

He added that he was trying to verify information that the trio was smuggling bales of second-hand clothes from Uganda to Rwanda.

Mr Nkunzimana said the relatives of the murdered Rwandans informed their relatives in Uganda who later informed local authorities about the incident.

Mr Nkunzimana warned against acts of mob justice, saying it was against the Ugandan and international laws.

He added that the Rwandan relatives informed their Ugandan relatives that the bodies of the three deceased were taken to a nearby mortuary.

Mr Peter Mugisha, the Kisoro Resident District Commissioner, said he was yet to consult the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on modalities of how the body of the Ugandan can be repatriated.

“I appeal to the Ugandans in Murora to keep calm as we all wait for advice from the Ugandan ministry of foreign affairs,” Mr Mugisha said.

The Rwandan ambassador to Uganda, Maj Gen Frank Mugambage, yesterday said he was not aware of the incident and referred us to the alleged scene of crime to find out.

“I am in Kampala and I am not aware of the incident. Go there and find out,” Maj Gen Mugambage said.

Others killed
Teojen Ndagijimana is the fourth Ugandan to be short and killed by Rwandan security operatives since Rwanda closed its borders with Uganda in February last year.

The first victim was Alex Nyesiga, 32, resident of Rukiga District who was shot dead in May last year together with a Rwandan, John Batista Kyerengye. On November 9, two other Ugandans Job Ebyarishanga and Bosco Tuheirwe all residents of Rukiga were shot dead about 1 km inside Rwanda.