Minister for Health Dr Jane Ruth Aceng has reopened casinos,gyms, massage parlors and gaming centers starting from Saturday 14 November 2020.
She also announced that the number of people attending political rallies, processions, weddings, meetings had been increased from 70 to 200 .
Dr Aceng insisted that social distancing of 2 meters, hand hygiene and wearing a face mask when in public must be followed.
“We would like to appeal to the general population to adhere to the preventive measures instituted by H.E the President and the Standard Operating Procedures issued by the Ministry of Health in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Uganda.” she said.

This decision was made following considerable compliance of the SOPs in most schools and places of worship, and from the ongoing epidemiological assessments of the outbreak.
Considering the phase of the epidemic Uganda is in, with rising cases and deaths in urban areas, suspension on bars and discotheques will continue.
The Ministry of Health will re-evaluate these activities in due course.
In the interim, the owners are advised to explore other businesses like restaurants attached to their premises, which are safer.