The song also asks MoH to open bars and concerts saying they are willing to follow SOPs if that’s what they want. It is however rumoured that the song is likely to be banned because of the message it carries.
They also urge that this song makes Covid-19 Guidelines look like a joke, yet they are serious measures that every Ugandan is obliged to follow in the fight against Covid-19.
Recently, EezZy said he heard the rumour but if it is true, he thinks they got it all wrong.
“The song has no bad mind, I did the song because of the situation we are in right now, and I was simply raising my voice for the people. If you listen clearly, I was just asking for the MoH to ease the lockdown. It has a message to send to the concerned people but I also sang it for the fan bit of it,” he said.

He also noted that one doesn’t have to only enjoy while in club but someone can also dance and enjoy from home.
When asked what he will do about it in case the song is banned, he said he believes he has the capability of doing an even better song than this one.
“Even if the song is banned I know I have the capability to release a song that is even better than this one because I write my music,” EezZY said.
He concluded by saying he was inspired to do that song after seeing a friend of his struggling and grassing since he is a bar owner so he sang it hoping that the message would get out there and the lockdown can be eased for entertainers and bar owners.