The troubled Chairperson of Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) Sylvia Muwebwa Ntambi has changed her name a few months after being charged with corruption.
In accordance with the Registration of Documents Act, the embattled EOC chairperson who is battling corruption charges has renounced and abandoned the use of the names Ntambi Sylvia as it appears on her National Identity Card and opted for Nabatanzi Sylvia Muwebwa.
“In the pursuance of my side change of name as fore-said, I shall hereby declare that I shall of all time thereafter in all records, deeds, and instruments in writing and in all actions, proceedings and transactions, and upon all actions whatsoever go by, use and sign the said name in lieu of the name Ntambi Sylvia renounced as fore mentioned,” reads in part of the deed poll.
“I, therefore, request and authorise all persons at all times thereafter to designate and by my assumed name Nabatanzi Sylvia Muwebwa,” she said.

Ntambi, now Nabatanzi is grappling with corruption charges which were levelled against her in 2020. She is jointly charged with her assistants at the Equal Opportunities Commission on abuse of office, corruption and conspiracy to defraud government over Shs35m. Her co-accused are; Agnes Enid Kamahoro, Moses Mugabe, Mpitsi Mujuni, Ronnie Kwesiga, Manasseh Kwihangana, Harriet Byangire, Evans Jjemba, Sarah Nassanga and Sunday Nicholas Olwor.
The charging of Sylvia Muwebwa Ntambi and nine others follow the lunging of complaints to President Yoweri Museveni calling for his intervention. According to a petition dated 22nd May 2019, the whistleblower accused her of causing financial loss of over Shs 200 million through termination of workers contracts and forcing workers to resign and replace them with her relatives and friends.
Since she took over the chairperson-ship of the commission, the whistleblower said Mrs Ntambi has unfairly dismissed over 11 staff, terminated over 10 staff contracts, and four contracts have not been renewed. In 2017/ 2018, the Auditor General advised the commission to employ people on permanent contracts however the chairperson declined and this has since led to financial losses.
They accused her of directing the collection of Shs100 million which they had approved in the commission meeting and the said money was to be used as kickbacks for individuals who worked hard for the passing of the commission budget in 2018/19.

“It was paid and collected through individual bank accounts. It was collected and handed over to her at Kampala International University (KIU), Kansanga on 7th March 2019,” the whistleblower said. Despite being the chairperson of the commission, Mrs Ntambi is averred to have forced her secretaries to pay her as a consultant in the production of various reports.
“The money was paid to Prof. Sunday Nicholas Olwor (Shs 14M), Kamahoro Enid (Shs 13M), Nassanga Sarah (Shs 5M), Atukunda Susan (Shs 6M), Mugisha James (Shs 12M), Kwesiga Ronnie (Shs 12M), Kwesiga Ronnie (Shs 10.55M), Sarah Nassanga (Shs 9M), Kwihangana Manasseh(Shs 13M), Prof. Sunday Nicholas Olwor (Shs 9.8M), Kwesiga Ronnie (Shs 9M) and Sylvia Muwebwa Ntambi (Shs 13M),” payment slips indicate.
She is also accused of irregular approval of allowances of various members of the commission, using commission vehicle for doing private businesses, irregular recruitment of staff without embracing commission procedures. It is said that she illegally recruited Betty Namazzi, Juma Waira and Petau Isabirye Babirye.