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Is It About Love Or Decoration? Here Is Why Premier Roses Should Be Your Number One Flower Hub

Premier bellarose

It is well known that in a bid to have colorful event, birthday celebrations, or end of year festives, you must have a flourished decoration at your home, workplace, apartments among others with flowers that are unique in looks and corporate in nature, although few companies in Uganda have these, Premier Roses Ltd have got the best.

It is against that background that we introduce to you Premier Roses Ltd in Uganda, East Africa that specializes in the production of cut roses for not only local consumption but also for export hence boosting the nation’s economy.

The company employs ongoing programs, which enable the improvement of quality flowers due to the favorable weather conditions, the company is able to consistently produce over 12 million rose stems every month, all with the same high quality.

Premier bellarose

Based in Entebbe, Premier Roses Ltd is the largest exporter of flowers in Uganda and commands around 40% of all the country’s raised exports under its objective of achieving the highest standards of Good Agricultural Produce (GAP), environmental conservation, reduced use of agrochemicals and improved efficiency in the use of natural resources.

The company also focuses on conserving existing habitats and ensuring continual responsibility with regard to the health, safety, and welfare of its employees.

The company’s greenhouses are irrigated by a modern, automated water-pumping unit, which feeds the fully computerized hydroponics systems.

According to Premier Roses Ltd, the following categories of roses are produced: Sweetheart Roses; Valentino (dark red), Viva (bright yellow), Chelsea (orange), Red Calypso (bright red), Meera (champagne), Akito (white).

Others are; Blushing Akito (pink), Raspberry King (dark red), Jambo (bright red) and Intermediate Roses; Ace Pink (pink), Bella Rose (pink), Sunny Star (yellow), Furiosa (dark red), Tropical Amazone (orange), Banjo (pink), Labelle (peach), Soraya (yellow), Athena (white).

“At Premier Roses we aren’t just farmers, we are a company of innovators. Our vibrant color roses are pleasant to the eye and are unmistakably unique with a 7-day vase life guarantee at customer point. Our attention to detail, unwavering quality control, and forward-thinking efforts in environmental sustainability makes us stand out from the crowd,” a staff revealed about the company.

Premier Roses Ltd, the largest exporter of Sweetheart cut, is a flagship company of Ruparelia Group of companies owned and managed by Dr. Sudhir Ruparelia. The farm has steel structures and a 100% Hydroponics system supported by a fully automatic centralised irrigation system.

For orders, you can contact them  via

Head Office:

Premier Roses Ltd, Crane Chambers
Plot 38 Kampala Road,
P.O. Box 3673, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 (0) 414 343 500
Fax +256 (0) 414 232 939


Farm Contact:

Tel: +256 (0) 392 733 029
Mob: +256 (0) 752 711 781
Mob: +256 (0) 752 711 780
Fax +256 (0) 392 280 371

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