Nabbed: UPDF Soldiers Gun Down Notorious Chairman LCIII Conducting Cattle Raids


Uganda People’s Defence Forces ‘UPDF’ soldiers conducting disarmament in Karamoja sub region last night shot dead a local council leader who was found leading cattle raids in the neighboring communities.

The deceased Longoli Aped a Vice-chairman LCIII Napumpum sub-county, Kotido District was killed by UPDF last night during patrol while leading a cattle raid into Napak District.

Longoli is one of critical local leaders who have been condemning security forces for not doing enough to stop cattle rustling in Karamoja.

During the day, Longoli would castigate the forces and at night would lead cattle raids.

Security says the some of the local leaders in Karamoja are the biggest cattle rustlers.

The joint security forces have been reinforcing the guidelines regarding livestock movement to stop theft and sensitizing people on the requirements for the legal acquisition of livestock.

The joint security forces are also conducting forced disarmament exercise against criminals with illegal guns in Karamoja sub – region.

The operation codenamed Usalama Kwa Wote involve forceful cordon and search operations, and those found with illegal guns are prosecuted.

Several UPDF detaches have been established along the Karamoja borderlines to curb the rampant cattle rustling in the region that has hit new heights in the last three months.

The first phase of the operation that started on 13 July 2021 saw the recovery of 105 guns, 1046 Rounds of Ammunition, 7726 animals recovered and handed over to the rightful owners, and about 350 criminals convicted and sentenced.