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Corporate Social Responsibility: TotalEnergies EP Uganda Equips Project Affected Persons in Buliisa

TotalEnergies EP Uganda has this week reiterated its commitment to supporting sustainable and inclusive economic growth through income generating activities by the Tilenga project community.  The company has provided start-up kits to Project Affected Persons (PAPs) under Resettlement Action Plan 1 (RAP 1) to setup income generating activities in a bid to elevate their ability to sustain their livelihoods.

The support rendered through the start-up kits follows the completion of various vocational skills training programmes by the PAPs. This support is being provided as part of the

Company’s strategy and commitment to empowering the PAPs through a Global Livelihood Restoration programme aimed at restoring, transitioning, and improving their livelihoods by leveraging available household livelihood resources post-resettlement. This programme is also in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 1 (No poverty), 8 (Decent work and Economic growth) and 10 (reduced inequalities).

The start-up kits were identified and procured for 104 PAPs under the different categories of vocational programmes: 12 tailors, 5, Hairdressers, 70 mechanics, 5 plumbers, 6 caterers, and 6 Welders.

“TotalEnergies EP Uganda is conscious of its responsibility to support the economic upliftment of the Tilenga host community and most especially the project affected persons. Our commitment to fulfil this responsibility has consistently been showed through the delivery of various initiatives under our Global Livelihood Restoration programme that is consistent with international standards and requirements. The start-up kits are a symbol of this commitment and will go a long way in boosting the self-sustainability and household incomes of the PAPs,” said Mariam Nampeera Mbowa, Deputy General Manager, TotalEnergies EP Uganda.

TotalEnergies EP Uganda has also supported PAPs under RAP-1 with various agricultural programmes such as provision of high-yield cassava cuttings, beehives and harvesting gear to set up apiary projects, vegetable farming and enabled the formation of Village Local Saving Associations. This is in addition to other social programmes such as the construction of the Kirama water project and the construction of the new Avogera Health Centre III.

 About the Trainings

Future Options Consulting Ltd provided the vocational skills trainings for a period of 12 months. The programmes covered; Business Management Training (BMT), Vocational Training (VT), Vulnerable Group Support (VGS), Employment Linkages and Monitoring and Evaluation.

Under the Business Management Training, a total of 114 PAPs benefited from the programme between September 2019 and August 2021.

Under the vocational training programme, a needs assessment was conducted from the four RAP-1 villages of Kisomere, Kirama, Kasenyi and Kilima in Buliisa. 100 PAPs were enrolled on short-term courses and the related activities in 2021. Based on the needs assessments the shortlisted PAPs were offered the option for eight Vocational Training courses: Tailoring, Catering, Automotive Mechanics, Motorcycle Mechanics, Driving skills, Hair Dressing, Plumbing, Welding.

The Trainings were organized through the following training centres; Buhimba Technical Institution, St. Simon Vocational Training College, Millennium Business School, Prestige Driving School, and Christian Driving School. Following the resumption of activities after the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, PAPs resumed their training in November and December 2021 and completed their courses In March 2022.

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