By Businge Emmanuel DRCC -Fort Portal
The Recent Appointment of Assistant RDCs has generated debate including on the floor of Parliament with some people questioning the legal basis to that effect. To the contrary, Article 203 of the 1995 Constitution provides for the establishment, qualification and roles of the Resident District Commissioners and their deputies.
The large numbers of people opting to seek services from the Offices of the RDCs/RCCs give credence and overwhelm the offices thus the need for support staff. It’s also an indicator that the RDCs and RCCs have to a larger extent won the trust of the “Wanainchi “and are viewed as efficient problem solvers.
Section 72(1) of the Local Government Act in supplement and emphasis of the above provision makes it clear regarding the other office bearers in the Office of the Resident District Commissioners that may be created including Assistant RDCs.
Therefore, to realize the Manifesto promises made to the people, the President can use his prerogative to appoint people in different capacities that he deems right in fulfilment of the obligations as required by terms of the social contract made with the masses. Any democratic Government like Uganda Would do anything possible for efficient and effective Service delivery and that could be the Core reason for the recent appointments.

The Minister For the Presidency Hon Milly Babalanda has been clear regarding the functions of the Assistant RDcs clarifying that they will support the RDCs and Deputy RDCs in performing their roles and duties with Monitoring Government Programs top on the agenda.
The Assistant RDCs are also meant to popularise and advocate for Patriotism an initiative intended to have a great impact on the mindset mindful that a poor mindset determines how programs are embraced.
The Promise to secure the future of Ugandans come along with the implementation of various programs like PDM,emyooga, Youth Skilling, youth Livelihood program, UPE and many others it can therefore be on the premise of the above that the Monitoring arm needs to be reinforced for Government to efficiently provide the services to Ugandans.
Uganda has in place some of the best poverty eradication programs in the World but the hindrance to achieving targets has been Poor Mindset. The Assistant RDCs are poised to give critical attention to the element of Positive Mindset, especially amongst the Youth who constitute the Majority in demographic composition.

It therefore, prudent that the newly appointed officers be given a conducive environment and support from the various arms and institutions of Government like Parliament to be able to perform.
Questioning the numbers of the appointed officers would be looking at the smaller picture at the expense of the bigger picture. The Institution of Parliament In Uganda has proved to us that the justification of the establishment or existence of an institution should not be limited to numbers but rather cast the net wider about functions and duties.