UPC President Akena Extends National Mobilization Campaign To Kitgum


Uganda Peoples’ Congress Party (UPC) has extended  membership and the Party National Mobilisation Programme headed by President Hon. Jimmy Akena  to Kitgum, Acholi Sub Region.

While addressing the press conference today at Uganda House,UPC spokesperson Sharon Ayat Arach revealed that this Friday 24″ May 2024.

“We want to thank the leadership and membership of Acholi especially Kitgum District for the efforts exhibited so far in preparations to host the Party President and they are encouraged to continue with that congress spirit as we massively mobilise for the Party in a bid to offer good leadership to our motherland,Uganda”,she said.

Ayat added that last Saturday, 18″ May 2024, UPC President Hon. Jimmy Akenae rceived a number of converts from NRM, FDC and NUP to Uganda Peoples Congress at the event organized by Dokolo District Woman Member of Parliament Hon. Aguti Sarah and local leadership in Dokolo Town Council.

“We wish to appreciate the warm welcome and the love that Ugandans are showing to President Hon. Jimmy Akena and UPC”,she honoured.

UPC has stressed that this the part of the program the Party launched in 2023 and it is very important as members  get ready for 2026.

The schedule for mobilisation in other parts of the country will be communicated in due course.


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