M7 Appoints Brig Nyakikuru As New Deputy SFC Commander


The commander in chief of armed forces General Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has appointed Brig. Asaph Nyakikuru Mweteise, deputy commander of the Special Forces Command.

Nyakikuru, who was two months ago promoted from the rank of Colonel to Brigadier, will take over from Brig. Charity Bainababo.

Brig. Bainababo was recently sent to the National Defence College (NDC). Nyakikuru has been serving as the Special Forces commander.

He also served in critical commando operations in Somalia that saw UPDF dislodge the deeply-entrenched Al Shabaab militants from Mogadishu.

He organized forces that quickly secured the presidential palace, army headquarters and critical state facilities in Juba.

He organised forces that quickly secured the presidential palace, army headquarters and critical state facilities in Juba.

The Ugandan special forces also took charge of the airport, Juba Town and defeated Machar’s forces at Parek.

Nyakikuru also fought in many operations against Allied Democratic Forces in western Uganda as well as the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in Northern Uganda.

In 2021, President Museveni transformed the first Commando Battalion, which was commanded by Brigadier Nkakikuru into a Brigade.

Nyakikuru has been heading Camp Rufu in Kiruhura district. The military facility has specialized sniper commandos and recently enhanced its manpower commando force.

The camp serves as the base for One Command battalion and Special Forces training centre.