Block 17

CHAN 2020 Qualifiers: Uganda Cranes To Face Somalia

Cranes team Confederation of Africa Football (CAF) has confirmed that Uganda Cranes will now play Somalia in the Championship of African Nations (CHAN) 2020 qualifiers. Originally, Uganda had been scheduled to play South Sudan. But, upon new changes (due to the withdraw of Ethiopia as hosts), Uganda Cranes will now face Somalia. The first …

Provide More Funding For Refugees -LOP Ochan Tells Govt

The Leader of Opposition (LOP) in Parliament, Hon. Aol Betty Ocan, has asked government to provide more funding to cater for the needs of refugees hosted in Uganda together with Nationals in the host communities. Ocan, who together with selected Opposition MPs toured refugee settlements and hosting communities, said that increased government funding coupled with…

KCCA Director Grilled Over Fake Academic Documents

Hon.Mubarak Munyagwa Parliament’s  Com­mit­tee on Com­mis­sions, Statu­tory Authorities and State Enterprises ‘ COSASE’ has directed  police   to investigate the academic documents of KCCA Physical Planning Director Mr.Moses Atwine for being under qualified to be a KCCA Director. Chairman,Hon. Munyagwa was particularly angered when Mr.Atwine arrogantly said he was appointed by the President and that the president knew…

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