KCCA Director Grilled Over Fake Academic Documents


Hon.Mubarak Munyagwa

Parliament’s  Com­mit­tee on Com­mis­sions, Statu­tory Authorities and State Enterprises ‘ COSASE’ has directed  police   to investigate the academic documents of KCCA Physical Planning Director Mr.Moses Atwine for being under qualified to be a KCCA Director.
Chairman,Hon. Munyagwa was particularly angered when Mr.Atwine arrogantly said he was appointed by the President and that the president knew his qualifications before appointing him.

Munyagwa wondered how Atwine, a Social Scientist ended up being the City’s Top Planner🤷‍♂️. He insisted and argued that the civil engineering diploma that Mr.Atwine holds is insufficient for him to hold the office of Director Engineering for The Capital City as the qualifications for A KCCA Directorate head are clear in the law.

It was also discovered that several government institutions like Parliament were among the bad debtors and an order had been issued by the auditor generation to exempt these institutions of the same debts. The tough talking Munyagwa asked KCCA acting Director Andrew Kitaka to explain why they had not taken serious action like closing Parliament.

The Committee  is expected  to unearth a lot of ROT in KCCA ranging from the illegal appointments of Staff and fraudulent awarding of contracts.



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