Block 2

OP-ED: Is AG Kiryowa Kiwanuka & Counsel Karungire Misusing Political Power To Undermine, Compromise Judiciary

By Hannington Mbabazi Kampala: “Based on the fact that non tolerance of illegalities in all courts of law is the baseline of all legal structures and Judicial proceedings internationally, this case is a weighing scale on the independence of the Ugandan Judiciary.” Can Kiryowa Kiwanuka’s political influence as current Attorney General and Mr. Karugire’s Marital…

OP-ED: How UGX 1.7 Trillion Loan Will Relieve Parliamentarians & Voters 

By Ben Ssebuguzi Kampala: Developing countries rely on international borrowing to finance special projects, infrastructure and to compensate for the needed revenue. Due to natural disasters like heavy rains, mud slides have adversely affected aids to trade like roads, where even the paved ones have either developed potholes or narrowed hence causing accidents. Even the…

OP-ED: How a Higher Percentage Of Local Gov’t Workers Are Enemies Of Dev’t & Pivot Of Corruption In Uganda

By Masuumi Juma Kampala: The lack of patriotism within and amongst local government workers has promoted high corruption, hindering the country’s development and social service delivery. Districts and Municipal councils are responsible for the provision of Primary and secondary education, safe water supplies, and public health and are encouraged to devolve some services to the…

OP-ED: How “The Strong Dollar” Increases Starvation In Africa

By Samuel Obedgiu Kampala: At the height of the demise of the now defunct Bretton-woods monetary system, former U.S President Richard Nixon’s treasury secretary John Connally said, “The dollar is our currency but it’s your problem.” The current strengthening of the dollar has indeed made this statement relevant again, manifesting itself through increased food prices.…

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