President Museveni Orders Tanga Odoi To Overturn MP Kangwagye Victory Over Irregularities


President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who’s the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Chairperson has given the Party’s Electoral Commission Chairman, Tanga Odoi new results of Bukanga County primary election, overturning the victory of MP Steven Kangwagye.

Museveni, who is also the NRM party chairman, wrote to Tanga Odoi on Saturday evening informing the latter on the secret investigations he did on four districts, confirming blatant fraud incidents.

The affected districts include Isingiro, Kiruhura, Kazo and Sembabule.

The President want all officials involved in the electoral fraud to be charged with criminal offenses.

President’s Letter in full


This is to inform you that when I got loud complaints about votes rigging in Bukaanga, Isingiro North and South, Nyabushozi, Kazo, Ssembabule and many other districts in the country, I decided to launch the anti-theft campaign in the four districts of: Isingiro, Kiruhuura, Kazo and Sembabule, using security personnel from the headquarters, as well as Buyende, Kyenkwaanzi and others, using a mixture of local personnel and personnel from the headquarters.

It is actually easy because the voting happened during the day and there were many witnesses ─ the voters that lined behind the candidates.

The results of Bukaanga have now come in. Bukaanga has got 137 villages. In 26 of them, the people did not vote because of the confusion caused by the cheaters.

In 111, people voted but results were altered in some of the villages. My audit team has now confirmed that in 111 villages that voted, the results were as follows:

1. Dr. Moses Mpairwe- 10,339

2. Hon. Steven Kangwagye- 8,203

The voting per village is attached. Therefore, get signed affidavits from the NRM chairpersons, LCIs, etc., legally binding documents, confirming these facts and organize elections in the 26 villages that did not vote.

By copy of this letter, the IGP is directed to identify all those criminals that took part in these forgeries for criminal prosecution. Get new registrars. The audit in the other areas is continuing. What I did in the four (4) districts, should be done everywhere.

The NRM Secretariat should work with the DPCs, RDCs, etc., to carry out audit in all the areas of dispute to expose the frauds. Where I judge necessary, I will send my own secret agents, like I did in the 4 districts above.

I started with the 4 districts because, in addition to the criminality that was in many areas, in these areas, there was the added confusion of my relatives being part of the confusion. Of course, those who know NRM well, know that we have no time for such nonsense.

That is why I quoted the Books of Mathew12:46 and Mathew 8:22, the two portions say: “While He was still talking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and brothers stood outside, seeking to speak with Him.

Then one said to Him, “Look, your mother and your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with you.”

But He answered and said to the one who told Him, “Who is my mother and who are my brothers?” And He stretched out His hand towards His disciples and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers!

For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

Mathew 8:22, Jesus said, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.” He was responding to a request from one of His followers who asked to be excused from his responsibilities “to go and bury his father,” first.

Especially the young people may not know this core principle and practice of the NRM. I never sent any of those relatives to contest in those areas or anywhere; nor did they even consult me. I even opposed Maama Janet when she went to stand in Ruhaama.

It was only when a huge delegation of elders from Ruhaama invaded me at Rwakitura, in support of her candidature, that I relented.

Even then, I never campaigned for her in the Primaries. It was only after becoming a flag-bearer, that I campaigned for her. Africa, Uganda, need patriotism, Pan-Africanism, Social-economic transformation and democracy for our prosperity, strategic security as Africans and not relatives.

Yoweri K. Museveni