By Nayebare Syrus
The organisation aimed at supporting the girl child especially school dropouts and single mothers living miserably was launched on Friday October, 2, 2020.
The function was graced by Abert Kamuntu, Chairperson CPAI Mr Nowamani Praise, Mwebaze Eunice and others.

Mwebaze told this reporter that the NGO’s objectives are giving the needy girls developmental skills such as Making Wine, Petroleum Jelly, Papers, Reusable Pads amongst
The organisation is also in partnership with the Agromush Uganda that deals in growing mushrooms and it’s value addition.
She urged ladies to welcome the NGO, acquire skills, be hardworking, get their own money and stop depending on others.
She added that once a girl is educated or skilled, they work hard to have their own money therefore can’t get attempted to Sugar daddies or get married due to money at a tender age.
She thus urged parents to support the girl child education to prevent early marriages, and abortions.
Abert Kamuntu promised to support the girls whenever called on board and donated Reusable pads.

Nowamani urged ladies be patient and learn how to manage small business and also learn how to use money sustainability.
He urged ladies to welcome skills and participate in growing mush rooms which Starts with less capital.
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