Forum for Democratic Change(FDC) Presidential Patrick Oboi Amuriat (POA) has been arrested at Bushenyi-Rubirizi District boundary , whisked under tight security to Mbarara city.
Police charged Patrick Amuriat Oboi with Disobedience of lawful orders VIDE Mbarara CRB1586 after the bodoboda registration number UEX 650D he was traveling on knocked down Mbarara District Police commander (DPC) SP Rutagiira John in Isingiro road scuffle.
According to Rwizi Police spokesperson Kasasira samson,revealed that after arresting POA , police is seriously hunting for the bodaboda rider who is in hiding on charges of careless driving and causing an accident under the TRSA, Mbarara CPS TSD10/03/12/2020.
“Hon.Amuriat started his campaign rallies in Rwizi from Ntungamo district on the 01/12/2020 where he had three rallies in Rwahi,Rwashamire and Kyamate accompanied by Rt COL. Kiiza Besigye.thereafter,he moved to Rwampara district where he was not allowed to hold any rally because it was late”, he said.

He adds” on the 02/12/2020 Hon. Patrick Amuriat Oboi moved to Isingiro district as scheduled to hold rallies in Kajaho,Endizi,Kabingo-Isingiro town council and Kaberebere town which was successfully secured.
Then Mbarara was his final destination of the day but security had earlier guided his team and agreed on the routes to be used when accessing the city, which were Nyamitanga, Ruti through Mbarara bypass to Buffalo roundabout then to Kakyeka stadium where his first rally was to be before moving to Bwizibwera in Kashari in Mbarara district. He defied this and opted to use porous routes from Isingiro district through Buremba road in Kakoba Division where he was intercepted at Bishop Stuart University around 1600/c hours with intentions to go through the main business centre of Mbarara city. as security tried to engage him, he decided to jump out of his car onto a boda boda that was part of his convoy”.
In the same regard Mr.Nasuru Basarirwa aged 36years a businessman from Natete Kampala was arrested yesterday on charges of Disobedience of lawful orders for participating in the protest but was released on Police bond today 03/12/2020.
Hon.Amuriat who is already in police custody is expected to be produced in court today .