FDC Wont Form Alliance With People Power To Front Bobi Wine For President-Amuriat


Forum for Democratic Change [FDC] Party President, Patrick Oboi Amuriat, has cited an uphill task for the party as it heads into 2021 general elections.

In a message to party members and supporters on Sunday, Amuriat said it is just over two years now since he was elected to provide leadership at the helm of the party.

“…swore me in almost immediately and then came a looming split which matured one year later leading to the departure of senior members of the party.”

He said FDC also came under intense attack from NRM disguised as other political formations and there was also increased competition for political space that caused certain groups and individual political actors in desperation to lose focus of the real oppressor and instead “go after us”.

It took a lot of courage and political skills drawn from the long history of struggle to subdue all forms of attacks and maneuvers against FDC party, Amuriat noted.

“We have remained strong and focused on our fight against dictatorship in our motherland. Your great contribution to this my fellow FDC comrades and sympathizers is the reason I want to say thank you all for your time, other forms of effort and resources that have kept us above the water this year.”

He said those who intend to continue undermining FDC should first of all reflect on the organization they are targeting, one whose foundation is strongly anchored in struggle and not easy to dismantle.

“Our response to such attacks should be for us to ignore them and focus on our mission.”

He said the party will continue exploring all possibilities of forming partnerships with other political actors and where such alliances happen, collectively embrace them.

“However if nothing of that kind works out, we’ll be left with no choice but go it alone. The year ahead of us will present new and even more difficult challenges, we will be walking uphill and have to cross dangerous lines, but the FDC I know will always stand tall.”

“The holidays ahead should be a time of reflection about the future of our country and even as we celebrate we must spend less time doing that. We must get back into the trenches sooner than later. Merry Christmas comrades and a happy new year to you all.”edgeug


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