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Exposed: How Col Dick Lutaaya, DPC Katwe Planned The Grabbing Of Land In Makindye,Used Brig Lukwaamu’s Office

The plan started way ago when COL Lutaaya acquired akibanja next to the late Bukenya’s home who also had a kibanja along Namasoole road in Makindye. Sheikh Bukenya had acquired that kibanja around 1990 and even registered it in Mengo under number BLB/01/9213 in 1994. Around 2011 COL Lutaaya also acquired a kibanja behind him and had a behind entrance.

When time went by Col Lutaaya approached sheikh Bukenya to sell him an access road from the main road(Namasoole road) of which sheik refused since he was hiring part of his land for commercial purposes. Lutaaya instead went to Buganda land board Connived with officials and acquired a lease title encroaching on Bukenya’s kibanja leaving only a few metres for a road reserve. Since Col Lutaaya knew what he did was criminal, he got associates to work with including his home caretaker and transfered the title into their names before evicting Bukenya’s family.

At this time the DPC Katwe was brought on board for execution, when the dpc realised that the land was leased to Rwigyema and there’s a running business he first declined the deal.

They had to look for plan B and plan B was to involve Brig Lukyamuzi in a way that he doesn’t get to know about the deal. A decision was reached on and Col Lutaaya was to go tell Brig Lukyamuzi how he has not been around for a month and found some Kanabe boys(car washers) encroaching on his land and wanted support (manpower) to go with his surviyors and open boundaries so that he can fence his land.

Brig Lukyamuzi trusted words of the colleague and promised him manpower once he’s ready. Col Lutaaya went back to the dpc smiling and shared good information from the Brigadier. New strategies came in by getting the following on board;
1.Area LC 1 chairman

Col Lutaaya assured the dpc that he has the lc 1 chairman in his hands and also assured him of the lawyer who will have a Nasser road court order.

The DPC promised to use his in charge lands as a surveyor and also ensure no one opens up a case of malicious damage at his station. The deal was concluded and fixed a day for all of them to meet.

They all met and agreed to do the work on the 17th November 2022. Col Lutaaya went back to inform Brig lukyamuzi that he’s ready on 17th.11.2022. On that fateful day Lutaaya went and picked the personels from Lukyamuzi’s office and first passed at Katwe police for briefing from the DPC and he handled them a fully loaded patrol of policemen.

As COL Lutaaya was organising personels, he had instructed his associate Nakayi Teopista to organise kifeesi’s(kanyama’s) and they were all in touch. The mission was to be accomplished in less than 15mins.

At around 10am they all started the journey at once and reached to the land all at once.

Fronted by the said lawyer(Who later was confirmed never to have been enrolled anywhere) approached the washing bay manager and told her they have a court order to survey COL Lutaaya ‘s land (copy was shown on phone screen) and introduced another lady as a KCCA surveyor(later confirmed as in charge lands Katwe) .                       In a few minutes they had started destroying properties and removing people’s vehicles. Army officers instructed her(Manager) to immediately close the office and go away plus all workers. They all had to stand across the road and call their boss. Later like after a week cases were opened and the DPP preferred charges against all.

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