Chief Whip Obua Orders NRM MPs To Abandon Signing Censure Motion


Government chief whip Hamson Obua has instructed members of parliament, especially of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) to refrain from signing the ongoing censure motion against Commissioners, accused of rewarding themselves with a Shs1.7 billion service award.

Speaking to journalists at parliament, Hon.Obua emphasized the importance of seeking guidance from President Yoweri Museveni, the NRM party chairman, before signing the motion.

He added that NRM MPs who have already signed the motion might be required to withdraw their support.
Obua admitted that the NRM party is aware of corruption charges in parliament and said they need to first do a full investigation before taking action on that matter.
“We don’t rush into things. We investigate, find the source, and determine the cause. As a party, we’ve been aware of it and will find the most effective way to handle it,” he said.

He further stated that NRM members like Theodore Ssekikubo of Lwemiyaga County, who is spearheading the censure motion, will be expected to attend the caucus meeting.
‘’When we call a caucus meeting, they’ll be expected to attend and explain their actions,” he added.

Obua refuted suggestions that President Museveni’s silence indicates approval of alleged corruption.
“The president is not happy with the situation. We await his guidance on the best approach. We don’t endorse these actions, but the chairman’s guidance is crucial. As the Baganda proverb says, ‘With age comes wisdom.’ We await the elder’s wisdom to address these glitches,” he emphasized.

The petitioners are required to raise at least a total of 177 signatures, as required by the Parliamentary Rule of