Malawian Delegation Gives Courtesy Call To Gov’t Whip Obua, Shares Experience On Cohesion, Strengthening African Continent


Government Chief Whip Hamson Obua has hosted a delegation from the Parliament of Malawi.
They discussed and shared experiences aimed at strengthening the cohesion and growth of the African Content.

Obua told his guests that Uganda is on a democratic path and the NRM in particular, continues to adhere to the rule of law and constitutionalism.

He said under the leadership of Gen. Yoweri Museveni, a lot has been achieved in the areas of education, democracy, security and infrastructural development.

He said President Museveni has also been at the forefront in pushing for African integration agenda which he says would allow African states to among other things carry out trade freely and also reduce inter-state conflicts.

Government Chief Whip Denis Obua (Middle) with his visitors

Obua explained that Uganda’s past is characterized by a dark history, especially in the area of democracy, but with the coming of NRM, this has since changed the story to a success story.
“Those days our politics was based on sectarianism either by tribe or religion. One belonged to a political group because it was either founded on a religious or tribal basis. This took us many years of fighting among ourselves and coups. But the Patriots Led by Gen. YK Museveni ushered in a new chapter and it is the reason we now talk of having the ruling party in parliament sitting on one side and the opposition on the other. We also have independents in Parliament. All these, are issues one wouldn’t talk about during those days” he explained.

The delegates thanked him for hosting them and also for taking them through the strides made by Uganda to achieve a stable nation.


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