We Dont Arrest Such A Small Fish Like Bobi Wine’s Promoter Bajjo-SFC


Banjo man being arrested by security.Photo by Monitor

Special forces command ‘SFC’ the elite army that guards president  Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has denied  allegations of arresting the events promoter Andy Mukasa aka Bajjo Events who promotes Kyadondo East member of parliament Robert Kyagulanyi.

Mr. Bajjo was arrested on Saturday morning was arrested  by yet to be identified security men at city bar, centenary park in Kampala while addressing  a joint   press conference with Mr Abby Musinguzi, the proprietor of Abtex Productions who were organizing  a People Power Marathon to collect money to support  Bobi Wine, and orphans whose parents have died during  People Power riots.

.Bajjo was whisked to unknown detention. but later  eyewitnesses said the officers were known to have come from SFC.

Maj Jimmy Omara,Public relations officer of  SFC denied the allegations that commandos from the elite army were behind such arrest.

‘There is some news making rounds on social media about an alleged arrest of Mr. Andrew Mukasa a music promoter. SFC has not carried out any operation in regard to what is being peddled. This is baseless and malicious. Please ignore it with the utmost contempt it deserves. ‘he said.


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