Security Unleashes Power hungry LDUs on Dr.Besigye, Amuriat


LDUs with serious machines man roads in Yumbe

On Sunday,  FDC and People’s Government officials visited the home of Late Salim Angoliga at Awupi village, Yumbe district, to pay their respects to the departed former Secretary for Defence and Internal Affairs amid heavy police presence.

The police was reinforced by newly deployed Local Defence Unit [LDUs] who were carrying heavy weapons and mean-looking as they manned roads, well-prepared for any eventualities.

President Kizza Besigye, FDC President Patrick Oboi Amuriat, Obongi County MP Fungaroo Hassan Kaps and National Mobiliser Ingrid Turinawe joined FDC leaders from Moyo, Yumbe, Arua and Koboko to condole with the bereaved family.

Angoliga died in December 2018 after months illness where he underwent several medical operations at Nsambya Hospital.

Addressing mourners, FDC President Patrick Oboi recognised Angoliga as a committed cadre of the struggle and appreciated his work ethic.

LDUs on duty

“For us in the struggle, the death of Angoliga means our soldier has fallen. He has fallen before we end 33 years of Museveni dictatorship. But we believe without him, we shall be able to enjoy the fruits of his struggle. Those of you who are doubting should know that our long journey is close to reach the end”, Oboi stated.

He added: “The late Angoliga was a serious worker. When he improved, he started attending party meetings at the headquarters. Such was his dedication and commitment.”

Oboi thanked the People’s Government for standing with Angoliga to the end.

“Everything was done to save Angoliga’s life. I want to thank People’s President Kizza Besigye for being Angoliga’s friend and the support towards treatment and well-being of Angoliga during his time of need.”

President Kizza Besigye revealed that he knew Angoliga long before he started challenging Museveni, building a deeper and closer relationship when Angoliga negotiated for UNLF II rebels.

Police doing what it does best

“I knew Angoliga before I started fighting Museveni. In fact, I knew Angoliga during Amin days as a young man. I later got to know him better when he came to Kampala to negotiate for UNLF II. Angoliga kept challenging me to oppose Museveni, so when I decided to contest, Angoliga was one of the first people to join us. And we have gone through a lot of situations together, many times difficult ones”, Besigye said.

Besigye continued, “The struggle, as you may know is not easy for many people. But Angoliga was a strong and courageous fighter. What united us in the struggle was to oppose the poor conditions of our people.”

He said there are many refugees in Yumbe district but the life in camps is better than ordinary Ugandans.

He said refugees have water and Ugandans don’t have water.

Refugees get medicines but Ugandans don’t have medicines. Refugees have food but Ugandans are starving, Besigye explained.

“So what united us was the desire to see a better Uganda for Ugandans and ensure Ugandans don’t live worse than refugees in their country.”

“But this country will become free when all of us stand up and say enough is enough. So we must understand that the problems left behind by Angoliga cannot be solved by an individual but by all of us. That is when these children will have security.”

He went on: “But  before we solve national problems, we must first work together as friends. That is why we stepped in as friends to stand with Angoliga in his time of need. If there was a functioning government, Angoliga would not need friends to help him because Government would attend to his medical needs.”

“In our culture, they say a clan member can give you water when you don’t need it. I can tell you that Angoliga was my friend and I will not betray him when he is not here.”

“We have planted fruit trees in memory Angoliga but we shall put a more befitting memorial when the time is right to keep remembering him.”

In Koboko, FDC officials  condoled with the family of late Yoramu Adrili of Arikeli village, formerly FDC Chairperson Koboko district.

The leaders also visited the home of prominent FDC Mobiliser Chandiga and Juma Abazu in the night to console them  for the loss of their loved one.

In Arikeli village, Amuriat said Yoramu was fighting partly to restore the glory of Kakwa people whom he said had greatly been demonized by Museveni Junta.

Amuriat Oboi called Mzee Yoramu “a polished politician, a greater educator who must be replaced” saying “the FDC wants a replacement of this man from this compound.”

Besigye said Mzee Yoramu was a man of integrity.

“Some of us who associated with him found him to be a man of infectious character. He was  very humble and generally quiet person but highly principled. What joined us with Yoramu was quest for justice”, Besigye stated.

“Yoramu and other departed brother and sisters in the struggle who have departed have left us with greater duty to accomplish what they fought for,” Besigye said.Ronald Muyinda and edgeug


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