Busted!URA Raids Nasser Road, Nets 3 In Forgery Of Govt Stamps


Three suspects, among them two women, were detained in connection with forging URA documents and those of several other government institutions, bank stamps and international agencies.

The trio, namely Ali Kimera Ssajjabi, Amina Nambalye and Hadijah Nakitende are said to be based along Nasser Road, Kampala.

For days, we trailed the suspects until they were nabbed. Two other suspects are on the run.

Following their arrest, several forged stamps, academic certificates and transcripts were impounded. This was in addition to a computer onto which other forged documents were saved.

A total of 119 forged stamps were recovered. Of these, 39 were supposedly for commercial banks.

“They had in their possession forged logbooks for motorcycles and vehicles, which makes them key participants in the prevailing rampant car and boda boda theft in addition to aiding the boda boda murders,”noted Vincent Seruma, The URA Spokesperson.

Key government bodies whose stamps were forged include the army (UPDF), Uganda Police Force, Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs, Ministry of Works and Transport, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Lands, and the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development.

They also had stamps for Uganda Registration Services Bureau Registrar and Uganda National Roads Authority weighbridges.

Listed Local governments whose stamps were recovered are Mityana, Kampala Capital City Authority Deputy Mayor Kampala and Kawempe, Luweero, Mpigi, Kaliro, Kamuli, Kapchorwa, Mbarara, Bundibugyo, Kitgum, Koboko, Buikwe, Mukono, Mayuge, Kayunga Sheema and Kamwenge. Also recovered were stamps from several courts in Nabweru, Mityana, and Mukono.

We are also concerned about people’s health as the suspects had eight forged stamps for major hospitals namely Mengo Hospital, Fort Portal Hospital, Malaika Medical Centre Kitemu, Kasangati Health Centre, IMC Wandegeya, Mukono Health Centre and DHO stamp for Kyotera. In addition, they make Nursing School certificates.

Other forged certificates recovered were for the Uganda National Examination Board as well transcripts for Kyambogo and Makerere Universities.

“As the country battles human trafficking claims, the trio allegedly had 14 stamps for Oman Visa Entry, South African Police Service, Zimbabwe Immigration, India Immigration and United Nations”, said Seruma.

“The extent of fraud will be ascertained after assessment of the computer by the Forensic team,” Vincent Seruma stated.

Several charges of falsification of documents and fraud have been lined-up against the trio scheduled to appear in court.

The public is cautioned to beware of such persons and to also be on the look-out for people who taint the country’s efficiency and institutions


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