CJ Odoki To Lead EAC Political Dialogue Coalition


President Museveni has launched the process of consulting on the viability of an East African Political Federation, which is being undertaken by a committee of experts led by Chief Justice Emeritus Benjamin Odoki.

“Whereas prosperity can be achieved through economic integration, strategic security is difficult to achieve when we stay as separate countries,” said Museveni at State House Entebbe.

Museveni said a political federation gives the region a strong centre of gravity.

“If we can insure cars, insure houses, why don’t we insure Africa? What is the insurance policy for Africa against aggression?” he wondered.

He said the world powers are dominating us in space, water and land. Africa must think of how to secure itself.

“The other reasons for our unity have to do with economic prosperity of our people and cementing our fraternity.”

President M7 appending his signature

He added: “A big market is important and so is strengthening our brotherhood. I wish the Odoki team all the best as they start this journey of consultation and writing a constitution for the federation.”

In his remarks, EAC Secretary General Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko said that the National Stakeholders Consultations would ensure participation of EAC citizens in the integration process and particularly the Political Federation pillar.

“The drafting of the EAC Political Confederation is being undertaken by a team of Constitutional Experts nominated by the Partner States. The 18-member team is chaired by Hon. Justice Dr. Benjamin Odoki, the Chief Justice Emeritus of the Uganda,” said Amb. Mfumukeko, adding that the Confederation Constitution development process was projected to be completed in 2022 with its adoption by the Summit.

Amb. Mfumukeko said that the development of the Constitution for the EAC Political Confederation was a political process that requires high levels of inclusion and participation of stakeholders.

“Consequently, it is an expensive project requiring substantial financial investment. So far, we have been behind the schedules in the process due to insufficienct financial allocation for this project. In our estimation, the process of drafting the Constitution will require resources to the tune of US$4.8 milion,” said the SG.

Benjamin Odoki

The SG urged the Summit of EAC Heads of State to consider a special funding arrangement to enable the completion of the project in good time.

Speaking at the event, the Chairperson of the Team of Constitutional Experts, Hon. Justice (retired) Dr. Benjamin Odoki, disclosed that the team had already completed a comprehensive study of various confederations around the world for purposes of appreciating the concept and practice of confederations.

Hon. Justice Odoki further said that the team had also finalized a study and analyzing of the EAC establishment.


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