Security Raid Kasese FDC Offices,Confiscate M7 ICC Petition Forms


Opposition for Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) says security officers on Wednesday raided its Kasese town based offices and took their property.

Milikiodi Bwambale, the office attendant, told journalists that operatives stormed and searched the offices located on Alexander Street at about 12:30pm.

The operatives arrived when the party’s district chairperson, Saulo Maate, was being interviewed by two NTV journalists.

They took away forms that were supposed to be signed by party members to support a petition that will be used to drag President Museveni to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for allegedly committing crimes against humanity.

They also went away with four mobile phones; two of which belong to Maate.

Security also confiscated the phones of Eric Mwesige, an NTV correspondent based in Kasese District and Simon Bwambale, a correspondent from Bunyangabu District.

This comes just a day after unknown people broke into FDC offices in Kampala and stole equipment.URN


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