Presidential Adviser Kills 3 Mubende Residents


Christen Mugalura, a Senior Presidential Adviser, on Sunday knocked and killed three people along Mubende-Fort Portal road.

Mugalura who was traveling from Ntoroko District to Kampala, escaped unhurt.

Mubende District Police Commander, Julius Ahimbisibwe, told Daily Monitor that the boda boda motorcycle crashed into Mugalura’s speeding car at Kikona village, two kilometres from Mubende town.

Dorcus Arinaitwe and Richard Nyakojo; both residents of Kiseminti in Mubende Municipality and Issa Ssali, a boda boda rider and resident of Kalagala village in Mubende Municipality, all died on the spot.

Police blamed the incident on the recklessness of the boda rider.

Mugalura’s vehicle was towed to Mubende Central Police as investigations continue.edge


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