Clash As Oulanyah Exposes M7’s Corrupt Activities


The Deputy Speaker, Jacob Oulanyah, has made a bold statement and re-committed on behalf of the Parliament to fight corruption.
Speaking at the end of the Anti-corruption walk at Kololo Airstrip on Wednesday, 04 December 2019, Oulanyah said that corruption is widespread across society and it is upon the citizens to step up and engage in the fight to end the vice.
Referring to the Bible in the story of Jesus where he asked those who felt a woman had committed sin to cast the first stone, the Deputy Speaker said that, ‘’let he who has not practised corruption cast the first stone’, we would be shocked at how many stones would fly here’.

The Anti-corruption walk which was led by President Yoweri Museveni started at the Constitutional Square through Kampala and Jinja Roads ending at the Kololo Grounds.
It was attended by hundreds of people including cabinet ministers, Members of Parliament, civil servants, the diplomatic corps and religious leaders. The walk was also attended by private and civil society organisations.

Oulanyah said that there is need to identify the corrupt and let them face the full force of the law if the vice is to be wiped out.
“Mr President, we are all corrupt. We need to have a change of attitude. Don’t wait to be anything else to start fighting corruption. It starts from where you are & what you do. The fight starts with you. Let us stop the pretence,” Oulanyah said.

President Museveni said that he is not corrupt and has never stolen from anyone but that he is wealthy. He added that corrupt persons are parasites who get wealthy from what they have not worked for.
“Corrupt people are bad investors. They think that God does not see them. For last 60 years, I have not seen corrupt people have their wealth sustainably,” Museveni said adding that, ‘the Deputy Speaker said that no stone would be thrown at the corrupt. Let them bring a corrupt person here, I will be the first to throw a stone. I am not corrupt’.

The pledge and commitment read by Oulanyah states that Parliament will be honest and ethical in all its dealings, provide timely services to the people of Uganda and refuse to elicit or accept any bribe.
“We commit to negotiate all government contracts with integrity and ensure zero-tolerance for corruption,” Oulanyah added.
The Chief Justice, Bart Katureebe also read a commitment on behalf of the Judiciary.
During the afternoon sitting of Parliament, legislators voted and approved the commitment made by the Deputy Speaker to end corruption.