Police Hunts Mysterious Nakasongola Murderer After Hacking Four People


The Security Agencies in Nakasongola have increasingly intensified their search efforts to find an attacker, wanted in an apparent killing spree of four people, in Wabigalo Village, Wabigalo Parish, and Wabinyonyi Sub-County in Nakasongora District.

The victims include two male juveniles, one female adult and an elderly man, whose heads were all chopped off, during the grisly murders, according to CP Enanga Fred, Police Spokesperson.

The terrifying chain of events began, on the 5.12.2019, at around 2pm, after, the yet to be identified assailant, attacked a one Meshach Mawanda, a 10 year old , male juvenile at Wabigalo village, and chopped of his head to death.

He was attacked while following his mother at a nearby charcoal burning site.

At around 2.50pm while at the scene, the police received information about a second incident of murder by hacking, of Sekanza Amos, a 7 year old male juvenile, which occurred at Kyalubambula Village, Kyankonwa Parish, Kakooge, Sub County, in Nakasongola District.

The victim who was in the company of his mother was grabbed by the attacker, who chopped off his head with a panga.

The terrified mother fled during the attack.  She eventually described the attacker as a “male adult in mid-twenties, dark skinned, medium size and height, with a haircut, and was putting on a sleeveless t-shirt with a design in the centre and a black trouser.”

At round 3.02 pm, police received more information about another murder, by hacking, at Wabigalo village, of Judith Adur, a 30 year old, female adult.

She was attacked from the back, while carrying firewood, heading to Wabigalo trading centre, and her head chopped off.

Again at around 3.15pm, police received more information about a murder by hacking at Wabigalo village, of Matovu Rosio, a 93 year old, male peasant from his homestead.  His head was also chopped off.

“We do strongly condemn the brutal and senseless act of killing innocent citizens.   Their bodies were transferred to Nakasongola Health Centre IV, for further post-mortem and burial arrangements.  Our hearts go out to all families impacted by the senseless act,” Enanga said.

“We meanwhile, regret the death of Mutegesi Calvin, a 29 year old, male adult, and resident of Nakasongola, after he was caught by stray bullets, during the operation.  He was rushed to Nakasongola Military Hospital but succumbed to the injuries.  We are investigating the incident and also reached out to the family of the deceased.”

Enanga said the hunt for the suspect has now entered day two and still ongoing.  At this stage, the motive of the random act is not yet established.

“And we would like to caution the public within Wabigalo and Kyankonwa parish, in Nakasongola district, that the panga-wielding suspect, has not been identified yet and is considered dangerous.  We believe he should still be hiding within the area.”


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