Socialite Bryan White Sues Mike Mukula Over Illegal Detention


Tycoon Kirumira Brian aka Bryan White has dragged to courts of law the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party chairman for Eastern Uganda, Captain Mike Mukula.

In November this year, police raided Bryan White’s Buziga home in Makindye and arrested him.

He was taken to CID headquarters in Kibuli over alleged debts amounting to Shs1bn.

CID spokesperson, Assistant Superintendent of Police Charles Twine, said Bryan White was arrested for obtaining vehicles by false pretence.

Among the claimants of the said unpaid for vehicles was Mukula.

On November 22, Mukula tweeted: “Brian white is in the hands of the CID – UGANDA POLICE for several cases – impunity and attempt to be untouchable in Uganda is unacceptable nobody is above the law- at the same time misrepresentation of the Name of the PRESIDENT of UGANDA will not be allowed @KagutaMuseveni.”

The socialite had paid Mukula $40,000 (about Shs148m) for his car he took, but failed to honour payment terms as they had agreed.

Bryan White who is famed for his lavish lifestyle and dishing out money to revelers was later transferred to Special Investigations Division at Kireka.

Events promoter Balaam Barugahara intervened

The next day, a beaming Mukula posted a photo of himself and the socialite saying he had forgiven him after resolving issues between themselves.

“Humility is a virtue!!!! I have resolved all outstanding issues with Brian White-Kirumira as patriots and nationalists. Chapter closed. Leadership is about responsibility and resolving all issues given the opportunity…The Bible and the Quran teach us to forgive and pray for those that have wronged you …Let God the Almighty judge,” Mukula tweeted.


According to a December 9 notice, Bryan White through his lawyers Kirya and Co. Advocates intends to sue Mukula for coercing him into surrendering his car.

The notice says Bryan White bought the Mercedes Benz Reg No. UBB 480Z from Mukula through an agent Baker Ssetimba.

Upon sale, Mukula reportedly received Shs160m from Bryan White.

“…but recently while our client was in custody at SIU Kireka Police Station, using undue influence, duress and coercision, you forced our client to enter into a settlement by surrending the  said motor vehicle to you in order to regain his freedom.”

The notice says Mukula and White signed an agreement which is untenable unenforceable and void because the socialite did not make it under free will.

White was released from detention after a weekend behind bars following a #FreeBryanWhite Hashtag noting that a civil case did not require detention.

In the past media interviews, Bryan White claimed he inherited riches from from his late wealthy Italian stepfather Claudio.

Claudio was reportedly a businessman dealing in real estate. He would buy old houses, renovate them and re-sell them.


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