Captured 350 Wives Of CRND Rebels Repatriated To Rwanda


The government is screening and giving necessary support to 1,100 children and 371 women recently sent home from neighboring DR Congo after being separated from anti-Rwanda militia

race Mugabe, a communications specialist at the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC), said they are all assembled at Nyarushishi Transit Center in Rusizi District where everything possible is being done to facilitate them.

Mugabe who was speaking on phone from the transit center said: “They are going to stay here for a month. Thereafter, the Demobilization and Reintegration Commission will hand them over to District and local leaders across the country who will help hand them over to their respective communities.”

At Nyarushishi Transit Center, Mugabe said, these people are given requisite medical attention and care, and so far, “there has not been any case of Ebola detected.”

“Some are suffering from severe flu which they got from the jungles of DR Congo. Some arrived here weak and are getting treatment. But we are giving them help. Then we are also teaching or sensitizing all of them about their country, Rwanda; the past and present.

“They are being sensitized about government programs and given information on many other things they need to know. Yesterday, we gave all of them all the basic needs they need, things such as decent clothes, shoes, washing buckets, and others.”

The development comes after hundreds of fighters, and their dependents, from one of the anti-Kigali terror groups, called the Conseil National pour la Renaissance et la Démocratie (CNRD), were captured by the Congolese army and sent home in the past few days.By James Karuhanga,Rwanda


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