Ogwang’s Ministerial Appointment Challenged, Citizen Drags Him To Court


The Uganda State Minister for Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Peter Ogwang, who doubles as the Usuk county Legislator, is having sleepless nights when a concerned citizen threatened to sue him for allegedly possessing questionable academic documents.

Ogwang’s trouble started after Emmanuel Byamukama Tayebwa a (concerned citizen) wrote him an intention to sue dated January 6, 2020, through his lawyers of Mushabe, Munungu & Company Advocates.

In the affidavit sworn before his lawyers, Tayebwa alleges that Ogwang doesn’t  possess authentic academic documents.

According to  Tayebwa, Ogwang used fake academic documents to be nominated by the Electoral Commission for the Usuk MP seat, which he won, and before that he was the Youth Member of Parliament, Soroti district, during which time he has been illegally receiving salary and other emoluments as MP.

In addition, Tayebwa also alleges that Ogwang used the same fake papers to hoodwink President Yoweri Museveni into appointing him as minister for ICT, a position he should forfeit.

Below is what Tayebwa wrote on his social media platforms



1995 P7 Moru Apesur P/S 1999 enlroled at Soroti SSS and 2001 went to Tororo Progressive ,2002-2003 Makerere institute of Social Development 2003-2005 Makerere Institute of Social Development Diploma in SWASWA
Hon Ogwang peter Sat S.4 in the year 2000 at Soroti SSS and Obtained 48 aggregates. He later Joined Tororo Progressive Academy (TOPA) for UACE. He sat for S.6 in the year 2002 and obtained three points with the combination of HED/A. (H = O, E = F, D = F and A = O and C6 for GP). In total he obtained 3 Points.

In 2006 at the peak of campaign, Ogwang as an FDC activist was among those involved in de- campaigning    NRM. In 2007/008 Ogwang with the help of cadre Nalyanya Henry was introduced to Moses Byaruhanga and was subsequently appointed to work in Statehouse Youth Desk in charge of Eastern. It was from here that people learnt that Ogwang had not furthered his education.

He was later admitted in Makerere Institute for Social Development for a Diploma in Social works and social administration. During registration, the management of the institute discovered that he had not obtained one principal pass which is a policy requirement. He was later discontinued/Expelled from the Institute in 2009. He has never returned to study either a certificate or a Diploma in that institute.

However, in 2010 while contesting for youth MP, he printed Nasser road certificate claiming to have graduated from the Institute. (Refer to his parliamentary Directory 2011 to 2016) (Asimwe Steven helped him get this on offer of 200,000)
I have the Nasser rd team that helped Asimwe do this

In 2011, he applied for a Bachelor in Development studies using the same fake Diploma at Victoria University.

I have evidence of these Documents
I have copies of his S.4 results and Tororo Progressive Academy results

In short Hon Peter Ogwanga should not have served as a youth MP, Constituency MP and Commissioner in the Parliament of Uganda

Why should such people serve us

Emmanuel Tayebwa Byamukama – Kyankwanzi

The intention to sue Min. Peter Ogwang, drafted by Tayebwa’s lawyers

 According to the Parliament Bio Data Website,  here is Ogwang’s education background;

Qualification Type Institution
1995 Primary Leaving Examinations Primary Leaving Examination Moruapesur Primary School
1999 Uganda Certificate of Education Uganda Advanced Certificate Soroti S.S.
2001 Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education Uganda Advanced Certificate Tororo Progressive Academy
2003 Certificate in Social Work and Social Administration Certificate Makerere Institute for Social Development
2005 Diploma in Social Work and Social Administration Advanced Diploma Makerere Institute for Social Development
Ongoing Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration Bachelors Degree Victoria University
Letter from Ogwang’s lawyers about the suit
Min. Peter Ogwang’s profile according to the Parliament Bio Data