MP Ssekikubo Cries Out To IGP Ochola ”Am Suffocating In Your Stinking ,Squeezed Police Cells”


Lwemiyaga County, Member of Parliament Theodore Ssekikubo has cried for help from the inspector General of Police Okoth Martin Ochola after being caged in Masaka police cells for more than two days without any release.

Law maker Ssekikubo had involved in his personal friend Mp Barnabus Tinkasiimire to stand for him as a surety to receive the police bond and go home on Friday evening but was shocked after receiving information that police had decided to detain until Monday morning when he will be produced in courts of law.

With all his freedom denied, Ssekikubo has tried to send his emissary Barnabus Tinkasiimire to tell IGP Ochola to intervene in his matter and be freed because he was rotting in a small squeezed police cell in Masaka which could endanger his health.

Police in Masaka Sub-region have slapped charges of assault, inciting violence and malicious damage to property against Lwemiyaga County, MP Theodore Ssekikubo.
The maverick ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) legislator was arrested Friday morning amid a scuffle between police and herdsmen in Lwemiyaga who attempted to forcefully enter Lwemiyaga cattle market and sell their cows.

In the ensuing melee, police under the command of Masaka Regional Police Commander, Mr Enock Abaine intercepted the group, arrested Mr Ssekikubo and six other herdsmen, bundled them on a police pick-up. The six herdsmen were taken to Sembabule Police Station while Ssekikubo was locked up at Masaka Central Police Station where they spent a night. The police had a week earlier closed the market on the guidance of district veterinary officials following a reported outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the area.

According to Mr Paul Kangave, the southern regional police spokesperson, the MP will be arraigned in court on Monday to face charges preferred against him.
“Mr Ssekikubo has been on a warrant of arrest for prior offenses committed including organising a mob to assault vendors supplying milk to dairies in the area last Friday and as it stands now, the Mp will be arraigned in to court together with six other suspects on Monday unless otherwise,” he said.
Attempts by Buyaga West MP Barnabas Tinkasimire to secure bail for Ssekikubo on Friday evening failed after all police bosses reportedly ignored his telephone calls. By Saturday noon, Ssekikubo was still in police cells  .DM


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