Why MP Ogwang Celebrated ICT Ministerial Post On A Dilapidated RoofTop


He was an example of Jesus’s personal, earthly mission to bring salvation to the lost, since tax collectors were despised as traitors, and as being corrupt.

“Today, my youthful voters who were exceedingly excited lifted me on the roof of one of our staunch NRM supporter’s house.”

He added: “He had painted it yellow & wanted me to bless it. My efforts to resist fell on deaf ears.”

Ogwang opening NRM office

Ogwang, now labelled “King of Teso” then shared a video, saying, “This is how I got on the roof. My background is a humble one; today and forever.”

A one Abwoyo Margret [@margretabwoyo2] asked the minister: “So you bless the house? First, look at the nature of the house you are standing on. The only way to bless it by building for him a better structure.”

Ogwang replied: “The fact that it didn’t collapse with my weight, means it is strong enough.”

The minister said this is the most freaky thing that has happened to him this year.

People donated two bulls to him to appreciate his selfless service to the area.


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