Col. Kaka’s Son Had A Mental Disorder – Psychologist


Kampala: Brian Bagyenda, a man accused of killing his 22-year old girlfriend, had a mental disorder and in great distress which required him to be in a mental facility, a witness told court yesterday.

Sister Jane Frances Nantamu, a lecturer of psychology at the universities of Kisubi and Uganda Martyrs Fort Portal, told court that she met Bagyenda in 2017 at the request of his mother who was worried that he would commit suicide. “I was shocked when I met him, he looked angry towards himself, pale and generally confused, this was revealed by his empty glares. He had low esteem, did not know reality and was thirsty for human relations,” Sister Nantamu said.

However, Ms Sister Nantamu, who told court that she held 10 sessions with Bagyenda, said he needed a psychotherapy yet the nature of the environment (prison) was not conducive.

“There was no privacy and prison depresses yet he (Bagyenda) needed continuous therapy but I do not know what happened,” Sister Nantamu testified.

Court also heard that after the sessions there was improvement but, he currently looks drooped again with his situation looking worse.

When asked whether she would hold Bagyenda liable to his actions, Sister Nantamu said as a professional, she would not make such a person responsible for their actions.

At the previous hearing of the case, the first defence witness, Dr Brian Mutamba, a psychiatrist from Butabika Hospital, said he assessed and diagnosed Bagyenda with major depressive episode combined with suicidal and anxiety symptoms.

“We admitted him to start on treatment and to be under tight observation because of his suicidal behaviours as well as laboratory investigations and to have him reviewed by clinical psychiatrist,” he said.

Court, however, heard that before Bagyenda completed his medication, he left the hospital upon the request of his father, the Internal Security Organisation (ISO) Director General, Col Frank Bagyenda Kaka.

Bagyenda (junior), a pharmacist is jointly charged with Innocent Bainomugisha, 24, a cleaner and Vincent Rwahwire, 28, a casual labourer.

**Daily Monitor**


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